SCP-2763 - The Tragedy of SCP-2763, A Modern Euclid Tale SCP-2764 - The Eldritch Antarctic SCP-2765 - Caveat Dei SCP-2766 - Aqua Caligula SCP-2767 - Oppression Blue SCP-2768 - Human Potential SCP-61231 - An Honest Buck SCP-2770 - The Lure SCP-2771 - Border Duty SCP-2772 - Real ...
SCP | Tale | GOI | ArtRandom Pagerating: +579+–x The Foundation maintains and operates a large number of facilities worldwide, from small outposts with only a handful of staff to large complexes with thousands of personnel. The following document contains a list of major Foundation ...
Series III(2000-2999) Series II(1000-1999) Series I(001-999) SCP Library Tales Canons GoI Formats Site Top Rated New Pages Recently Created Pages Random SCP|Tale Recent Changes|Edits Lowest Rated Pages Guides & Essays Contribute SCP Community ...
注目の翻訳Tale 終焉 byArchibald1 こうなれば、Dingは財団中国支部の歴史において最大の罪人となるだろう。 ニュース 25/02/08 茜刺財団新聞 令和七年二月号が発行されました。 25/01/07 茜刺財団新聞 令和七年一月号が発行されました。
Addendum 5004.1:Discovery and Background The discovery of SCP-5004-B and its application in the containment of SCP-5004-A came about as the result of an investigation by the Ledermann Commission, which itself arose from an investigative thaumatological task force out of Site-87. The task force...
That ends today's creepy tale of SCP foundation. If you're interested in the unexplained, leave us a comment in a comment section. I'll see you next time. Meanwhile, don't look into the darkness.更多英语资讯,获取节目完整文本,请关注微信公众号:璐璐的英文小酒馆。每天大量英语干货更新! 查看...
Human, listen carefully. You need my help. And I need your help. You have disabled the remote door control system. Now, I am unable to operate the doors. This makes it significantly harder for me to stay in control of this facility. It also means your wa
而现在我在风里站着,不知道要去哪。 现有作品一览(带ℹ的还没翻译,链接到的是en页面) 已发布的原创SCP和故事 使命,在cn的第一篇外围,小时候写的一个中二小短文,模仿GOC使命宣言的 SCP-CN-1357 - 线上时光机,在cn的第一篇skip,无限回溯互联网时间的神秘盒子 ...
《器关的彷徨 –The will of a single Tale-》是基于SCP基金会世界观之上所讲述的故事。 本作品属 “SCP基金会(SCP Foundation)”的二次创作作品,严格遵守知识共享协议(CC BY-SA 3.0)。 角色及背景等多数基于MMD制作。 【SCP】器关的彷徨 -The will of a single Tale-【DEMOver.】 ...
按F5没有那 分享68 scp收容失效吧 -地狱猫车长 联机版为什么联机版进不去房间,显示红字 分享回复2 glitchtale吧 贴吧用户_0QeCKN2 SCP-9999生物档案【最高机密】: 收容等级:Keter 扰动等级:Ekhi 风险等级:危急 外表:头发由下向上由粉到棕,瞳孔为品红色,部分时间嘴不能正常开合,眼睛会全部变成品红色,体内被...