the containment of inexplicably-resurrected deceased professional baseball player Lou Gehrig, with his sudden appearance at Yankee Stadium explained away as an impersonation in bad taste, will require extensive ongoing maintenance for the forseeable future. Nevertheless, with the immediate crisis apparently ...
Neutralized级的SCP包括SCP-1762“龙之归宿”,SCP-3999“我与万物之中” Explained 即已解明。已解明SCP通常为关於已经完全充分被理解并能以主流科学所解释,或是被揭穿/被错误地认知为异常的现象。 项目编号后缀为“EX”。[3] Explained级SCP包括SCP-001-EX“好孩子”,SCP-2600-EX“白毛鳟鱼”,SCP-8900-EX“...
Neutralized级的SCP包括SCP-1762“龙之归宿”,SCP-3999“我与万物之中” Explained 即已解明。已解明SCP通常为关於已经完全充分被理解并能以主流科学所解释,或是被揭穿/被错误地认知为异常的现象。 项目编号后缀为“EX”。[3] Explained级SCP包括SCP-001-EX“好孩子”,SCP-2600-EX“白毛鳟鱼”,SCP-8900-EX“...
Other SCP Explained | JokeInternationalFeed New PagesShortest | Top RatedRecent ChangesNew Forum PostsLowest Rated PagesStories Tales Hub | SeriesGroups of InterestGoI FormatsCanon HubDiscovery Artwork HubCurated ListsCurated Tale SeriesTag SearchRandom SCP | Tale | GOI | Art...
Explained- SCPs whose anomalous properties have been explained or debunked, and most often do not pose a threat. Decommissioned- Terminated SCPs rejected by the Foundation. Notable Examples Safe SCP-993: A twisted TV show starringBobble the Clown, which causes psychotic and schizophrenic symptoms....
SCP-5004-A is a colossal thaumatological entity, identified as "SUSPIRA-PRIME" by the Federal Bureau of Investigation Unusual Incident Unit and self-titled as "Old Gorman", which was ritualistically summoned to the material plane by US Supreme Court Justice and noted sorcerer Charles Evans Hughes...
項目等級:Explained 特殊收容措施(已歸檔):由於SCP-ZH-4202存在的相關證據大多存於2020年至2030年之間,對於現今帷幕影響極低,因此銷毀SCP-ZH-4202證據的相關程序已暫緩。 描述(已歸檔):SCP-ZH-4202是一系列疑似為SCP-2747的虛構作品相關討論。 SCP-ZH-4202由基金會開展的「萬網遍歷計畫」發現,該計畫由DoWAC1、ID...
Explained (解明级/已解明) 已解明SCP通常为已经完全充分被理解并能以主流科学所解释,或是被揭穿/被错误地认知为异常的现象,项目编号后缀为“EX”。 Decommissioned (已处决) 已被处决的SCP是过去由高级工作人员使用的项目等级,不只删除掉有缺陷的文档,还把它们置於“耻辱墙”来作为别这样做之例子。 目前部分文...
Human, listen carefully. You need my help. And I need your help. You have disabled the remote door control system. Now, I am unable to operate the doors. This makes it significantly harder for me to stay in control of this facility. It also means your wa