描述:SCP-CN-1929是一个肩高60厘米,身长120厘米,体重40公斤的中华田园犬。对象表现出与人类相等的智能。因声带原因不能说话,但可以用爪子在电脑上打出中文或沾墨水写中文与人类对话。 SCP-CN-1929被观察到具有极高的恢复能力且没有痛觉,目前已知的任何方式都无法将对象杀死,只会使对象受伤,但在12-24小时之后就...
SCP-1929 - Discoherence SCP-1930 - The Surgeon in the Box SCP-1931 - The Bite of Flight SCP-1932 - Differently-perceived Playground SCP-1933 - Baileys Santa SCP-1934 - Absence of Absence SCP-1935 - An Empty Chamber SCP-1936 - Daleport SCP-1937 - Self-Love Shack SCP-1938 - Dr. Won...
SCP-1929 - Discoherence SCP-1930 - The Surgeon in the Box SCP-1931 - The Bite of Flight SCP-1932 - Differently-perceived Playground SCP-1933 - Baileys Santa SCP-1934 - Absence of Absence SCP-1935 - An Empty Chamber SCP-1936 - Daleport SCP-1937 - Self-Love Shack SCP-1938 - Dr. Won...
SCP-1929 - Down To Earth SCP-1930 - The Surgeon in the Box SCP-1931 - The Bite of Flight SCP-1932 - Differently-perceived Playground SCP-1933 - Baileys Santa SCP-1934 - Absence of Absence SCP-1935 - An Empty Chamber SCP-1936 - Daleport SCP-1937 - Self-Love Shack SCP-1938 - Dr....
CHINESE MOBILE TASK FORCES Mobile Task Forces (MTFs) are the Foundation's elite teams comprised of experts in various fields, specializing in handling the most difficult, dangerous, absurd and terrifying missions within their range, which average agents and researchers cannot solve. In almost all ...
Exploring the SCP Foundation: SCP-1929 - Discoherence The Exploring Series Add photo It looks like we don't have any photos for this title yet. Be the first to contribute.Learn more More from this title Videos Cast & crew Trivia News ...
NA 1929+ ¥0.0100元>=1 个 北京罗彻斯特电子科技有限公司 5年 -- 立即询价 查看电话 QQ联系 SCPQ-60+ SCPQ-60+ 38500 MINI NA 21+ ¥0.1000元50~99 个 ¥0.0100元100~149 个 ¥0.0010元>=150 个 深圳市汇弛丰电子科技有限公司 5年 -- ...
It appears to have been constructed shortly after the Civic Opera Building itself opened on November 4th, 1929.SCP-3440 is accessed via an elevator in the basement of the Civic Opera Building. The elevator is protected by a perceptual anomaly that renders it undetectable to human subjects who ...
已知领导人Richard Davis Chappell1871 - 1953Charles Ferris Derringer21878 - 1950Hogarth Mintz Cartwright1869 - 1929Julius Ralleigh McGallan1865 - 19393 概述:芝加哥鬼灵,是一基于伊利诺斯州芝加哥市的有组织犯罪集团。团体在创立后的前二十年内在地方范围内活动,但之后因在美国禁酒时代非法行动所产生的财富,其一路...
巴塞罗那椅由设计师密斯于1929年巴塞罗那世界博览会上设计,旨在欢迎西班牙国王和王后。椅子与著名的德国馆相协调,展现出高贵而庄重的风格。由于当时的建筑没有合适的家具与之搭配,密斯特别设计了巴塞罗那椅来迎接国王和王后。 这些经典椅子不仅具有历史价值,更是现代设计的典范,值得细细品味。0...