JAPAN PODCAST AWARDSへの投票を是非お願いいたしますm(_ _)m https://japanpodcastawards.com 紹介SCP/Tale タイトル: SCP-1877 - 地球のはらわた 原語版タイトル: SCP-1877 - The Guts of the Earth 訳者: g
JAPAN PODCAST AWARDSへの投票を是非お願いいたしますm(_ _)m https://japanpodcastawards.com 紹介SCP/Tale タイトル: SCP-1877 - 地球のはらわた 原語版タイトル: SCP-1877 - The Guts of the Earth 訳者: g
SCP-1877 - The Guts of the Earth SCP-1878 - Milkman Mimic SCP-1879 - Indoor Salesman SCP-1880 - Gem of Aspects SCP-1881 - Arcade Machine SCP-1882 - MC&D Television SCP-1883 - Gamification SCP-1884 - Madame Rezarta and Her Amazing Palm Reader SCP-1885 - Fissile Molar SCP-1886 - The...
SCP-1877 - The Guts of the Earth SCP-1878 - Milkman Mimic SCP-1879 - Indoor Salesman SCP-1880 - Gem of Aspects SCP-1881 - Arcade Machine SCP-1882 - MC&D Television SCP-1883 - Gamification SCP-1884 - Madame Rezarta and Her Amazing Palm Reader SCP-1885 - Fissile Molar SCP-1886 - The...
SCP-1877 - The Guts of the Earth SCP-1878 - Milkman Mimic SCP-1879 - Indoor Salesman SCP-1880 - Gem of Aspects SCP-1881 - Arcade Machine SCP-1882 - MC&D Television SCP-1883 - Gamification SCP-1884 - Madame Rezarta and Her Amazing Palm Reader SCP-1885 - Fissile Molar SCP-1886 - The...
Early encounter with SCP-2670-1 through SCP-2670. Image dated Aug. 14th 1877. Item #:SCP-2670 Object Class:Euclid Special Containment Procedures:Due to the remote location of SCP-2670, interaction with outside personnel is unlikely. Despite this, SCP-2670 is to remain guarded, and unauthorize...
+来自 小林 绚子 的留言,1877: 内容因剧透、敏感不适等原因被隐藏 点击查看 +来自 清水 萤 的留言,1901: 内容因剧透、敏感不适等原因被隐藏 点击查看 +来自 和田 雪 的留言,1945: 内容因剧透、敏感不适等原因被隐藏 点击查看 +来自 月岛 佳织 的留言,1949: ...
捕获后不久,很明显,SCP-5070所影响的对象引导了一条轨迹,从高尔夫球场通往29岁的会计多米尼克·怀特(Dominic White, PoI-1877)的郊区住宅,他受雇于███ ████████公司。那所房子当时被发现无人居住。对该房屋进行了调查,发现有多个迹象表明SCP-5070被保存在该房屋内。其中有: ...