项目编号:SCP-CN-1864 项目等级:Keter 特殊收容措施:若有权限不足人员知悉了SCP-CN-1864的任何相关信息,须立即派出机动特遣队MTF-戊寅-15“折翼蜻蛉”对其进行审讯和A级记忆清除,并立刻排查信息来源和可能存在的其余知情者。MTF-戊寅-15“折翼蜻蛉”被授予处决违抗人员的权限。基金会向权限不足人员提供一份伪造的SCP...
SCP-1864 - The Lonely Liar SCP-1865 - TaoTao SCP-1866 - The Phone Bill SCP-1867 - A Gentleman SCP-1868 - Speaks For Her SCP-1869 - The Silence of the Forest SCP-1870 - Record Skip SCP-1871 - Vorpal Sword SCP-1872 - Vehicular Lazer Pointer SCP-1873 - What's in the box? SCP-...
“我们的管理者相信SCP-1864也许是高智能,理性,可能被误解的。我们遭遇了相当数量的看似敌对的异常实体其实是不能控制自身的能力,无意伤害他人。” “我们相信与Pan Hun进行一次谈话也许能揭示它真正的意图,如果是良性的,也许让它离开它的牢狱,来保持这个世界的安全,和——” Boff博士后退远离了Karyle,他的胳膊甩...
【咳咳】O5补完计划..05-12Adam Silas出生于1864年,美国纽约。父母都是清教徒。SCP基金会早期成员,作为一名调查与实验人员进入了当时人手短缺的SCP基金会,拥有极强的统帅能力与分析能力,善于体察下属的心情
"Director, welcome to SCP-1864." The man who greeted them was in his fifties, with greying hair and a neatly groomed goatee. His jacket identified him as Tom Bradford, doctor. "Dr. Bradford," Karlyle said, extending a hand. "Thank you for meeting with me. We have much to discuss."...
11.8万 333 5:27 App 场景模拟 模拟黑心医生输液 1864 2 1:07 App 【红警模型】小小的也很可爱呢 1/350 天启坦克 浏览方式(推荐使用) 哔哩哔哩 你感兴趣的视频都在B站 打开信息网络传播视听节目许可证:0910417 网络文化经营许可证 沪网文【2019】3804-274号 广播电视节目制作经营许可证:(沪)字第01248号 ...
1864 4 1:46 App 这些人别买苹果本! 2026 -- 5:22 App 「开箱!」M4 Pro芯片14寸MacBook Pro深空黑 2560 -- 4:30 App Mac访达的使用技巧!!! 1085 2 0:23 App [Other] 萬能的 postmarketOS在M1 MacBook Air上的簡單演示 3498 4 2:23 App 英雄相惜【比尔盖茨】早期代言Apple麦金塔电脑广告 12...
【wrc向】标致Peugeot207S2000 声音纯享,1080p杜比全景声 burnsyore· 2-2 53.5万3256 08:13 【恐怖咖啡机】能做出差点去世的液体,体验一下? 郑郑得证· 2022-1-19 3万13 01:34 【Site19】暴行头骨演示 GmHeanTk-Relax· 7-2 1.2万29 02:49 ...
I joined up in April, 1864. I got to live in hellish barracks for months, training with the most damned son-of-a-bitch officers this side of the Mississippi. And for what? I got to be the first casualty in my regiment." The grinding intensifies. "I used to be bitter, but… not ...
On July 30th, 1864, the Union Army detonated a massive amount of explosive material that had been placed in a shaft dug underneath the Confederate fort known as Eliott's Salient. The ensuing explosion resulted in a large number of Confederate casualties and the creation of a significant breach...