Item #: SCP-1836 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1836 is to be recontained1 within Site-641, which is disguised as an active ecological research station and wildlife preserve at N 74.13- W93.81, encompassing the entirety of the Cunningham Inlet. The research station is...
SCP-1836 - Mother in the Ice SCP-1837 - Acid Mop SCP-1838 - Bob SCP-1839 - Reproductive Methods of Bony Fish SCP-1840 - [STAFF PLACEHOLDER] SCP-1841 - Oh The Places You'll Go SCP-1842 - Dr. Wondertainment's Magic Microwave Set! SCP-1843 - God of Lambs SCP-1844 - Crater at 31...
SCP-1836 - Mother in the Ice SCP-1837 - Acid Mop SCP-1838 - Bob SCP-1839 - Reproductive Methods of Bony Fish SCP-1840 - [STAFF PLACEHOLDER] SCP-1841 - Oh The Places You'll Go SCP-1842 - Dr. Wondertainment's Magic Microwave Set! SCP-1843 - God of Lambs SCP-1844 - Crater at 31...
SCP-001-BRIGHT - A factory built by James Anderson in the year 1836 and located in the United States of America. Through feeding off of the misery and suffering of its workers, The Factory was able to create any imaginable consumer good, many of which are anomalous objects now under contai...
但被抓钩勾住的冰立刻爆裂开,最边上的一个基金会员工被拖入海里,现场出现了第一例死亡案例。 “对象拒绝被收容,所有人员以三人为单位进行登录打击。” “C170001,准备登录scp1836,登艇。” “收到” 李昶等人上了一个快艇,快艇飞速的向着SCP1836前进,胆SCP1836却也在飞速的离去。
品牌:SCP 型号:SCP-1836 颜色:不锈钢色 尺寸(长×宽×高):口径260 重量:2千克 材质:不锈钢 产地:中国浙江金华市 查看更多参数 全部优质商家 送至: 山西阳泉城区 默认评价价格 共1个商家 SCP 优质欧式蒸锅 SCP-1836 不锈钢蒸锅(价格为单套价格) 好评率:100%共有0条评价 ...
4、进入游戏就会化身为一名警卫,作为警卫需要坚守自己的职责。 5、拿着手电筒向前进行探索。 6、当有人出现,就点击子弹,发动进攻,将其进行击败。 7、成功的将所有的人都击败之后就能够完成通关了。 游戏评测 SCP警卫职责是一款充满挑战和恐怖氛围的冒险解谜游戏。玩家将以一名保安的身份,深入到SCP设施中最危险的区...