The Foundation maintains and operates a large number of facilities worldwide, from small outposts with only a handful of staff to large complexes with thousands of personnel. The following document contains a list of major Foundation facilities, but is not intended to be fully comprehensive. These...
D-7294's Declassified D-Class Survival Guide Recovered Media The Hard-Boiled Adventures of Murphy Law A Drink With The Devil SCP-745 - The Headlights Collected Data SCP-747 - Children and Dolls Senescence, Consumption, Persecution SCP-749 - Rain Drops Incursion Exactly What Happened to ...
Item: SCP-173 with a photograph of SCP-096 attached to it Tissue Test Record: N/A Termination Test Record: Denied by O5-██ Notes: No. Absolutely not. Setting aside the problem of SCP-682, an SCP-173 that cannot be observed for fear of triggering a response from SCP-096 is a sel...