Photo Result: Unchanged except SCP-2287's mask is removed in the picture. Subject: SCP-2295 Photographed Activity: Handing a cough syrup to a patient suffering from a mild flu. Photo Result: The patient is being treated by an actual medical authority (identified by a badge reading "Actual ...
SCP-1048 regained the ability to make copies of itself when SCP-729-J was removed. It now frequently produces art that depict SCP-729-J as monstrous in some form, and cowers if shown a picture of SCP-729-J. Not even the teddy? Aww… Poor Mr. Buns. He just wants some friends! -...
Tesla Gate, Gate A/B Sign, SCP-173-JS/SCP-106 Cage, Heavy/Light Containment Doors, Heavy/Light Containment Keycard Doors, Blast Door, HID Turret (from Bendy), Missile Launcher, Camera, Facility Lockdown Terminal, Computer, Chair Bosses Fight them yourself to find out how hard they are :...
angering the SCP greatly. Before Watch uses the camera on the SCP, the creature threatens that it will kill Watch first out of all his potential victims. Once Watch takes a picture of the SCP, the resulting photograph shows the SCP on...
- Non-Indev content has been completely removed - New room2c replacement, recreated from v0.1 - 106 fixes - 173 fixes - Enhanced the blood splatter effect when wearing a gas mask - Reverted menu texture, scaling menu up as well to keep v0.1 accuracy ...
Picture this: a universe where objects defy logic, creatures shatter the boundaries of comprehension, and phenomena threaten the very fabric of existence. As you traverse the cryptic corridors of the SCP Foundation, you will come across anomalous objects, creatures, and phenomena. The Apollyon SCP ...
SCP-105-A bribes him with chocolate candy she makes herself. And threatened to tell everyone that she knows he peeks at Astral Form girls because she took a picture of it with SCP-105-B. SCP-131 are often seen stealing their shoes. ...
I made this picture of SCP-173 for you. I hope you like it. 😁 I need an image slideshow from documents involving Project Paragon. Do you like my picture? I’m an artist. No, not particularly Why? What’s wrong with my picture? I am an artist. You mashed a bunch of random bul...
A good picture gives it a good hook…however back in my day it was just a quick google image search and a copy-paste away, so I've relaxed a bit on that. Fourth is the “poison effect”. A good entry may not hit right away, but like a poison, it leeches in and starts to ...
. During this time, anyone could come in and edit anything they wanted, in addition to making posts. Being a member was completely optional, and frequently disregarded. Soon, events would force this to be changed, from anonymous edits being allowed to anonymous edits being completely removed....