SCP-173 - The Sculpture - The Original SCP-174 - Ventriloquist's Dummy SCP-175 - Treasure Map SCP-176 - Observable Time Loop SCP-177 - Checkmate SCP-178 - "3-D" Specs SCP-179 - Sauelsuesor SCP-180 - Identity Thieving Hat SCP-181 - "Lucky" SCP-182 - "Rider" SCP-183 - "Weave...
SCP-173 - The Sculpture - The Original SCP-174 - Ventriloquist's Dummy SCP-175 - Treasure Map SCP-176 - Observable Time Loop SCP-177 - Checkmate SCP-178 - "3-D" Specs SCP-179 - Sauelsuesor SCP-180 - Identity Thieving Hat SCP-181 - "Lucky" SCP-182 - "Rider" SCP-183 - "Weave...
Did you happen to see the original SCP-173 post at the time or just a repost of it later on? It is also my understanding that you went by Cogs back in the day. Was that name based on anything in particular? Additionally, feel free to share anything about your initial experience in ...
SCP-173 is a supporting antagonist in the SCP Foundation mythos. It is a statue which can move at a very high speed and can snap the neck of any life form. It is perhaps the most famous SCP of all time and the first one ever written and caught. It is als
SCP-173 — The Sculpture - The Original: One of the first SCPs, SCP-173 is a statue-like creature that cannot move when in direct eyesight, but can move unfathomably fast when looked away from. It will kill anything it can by breaking the neck. ...
Tesla Gate, Gate A/B Sign, SCP-173-JS/SCP-106 Cage, Heavy/Light Containment Doors, Heavy/Light Containment Keycard Doors, Blast Door, HID Turret (from Bendy), Missile Launcher, Camera, Facility Lockdown Terminal, Computer, Chair Bosses ...
SCP-173-J - The Original "The Sculpture" SPC-173-J - A Fiesta Shark Statue Brutally Enforcing Vacation Time SCP-184-J - The Elaboration Squirrel SCP-1D6-J - Gygax's Folly SCP-200-J - Refrigerator Logic SCP-209-J - The Hard-To-Destroy Insect SCP-222-J - Contagious Biophysical Behavio...
+Add media RSS SCP-173 containment label (view original) Post a comment Sign in or join with: Only registered members can share their thoughts. So come on! Join the community today (totally free - or sign in with your social account on the right) and join in the conversation.Details...
It may continues, until you become an SCP (SCP-173, for example), [voiceover becomes contextual from personal], then you turning around and describing yourself in SCP-173 hostage, looking for people around you {so can't move until they watching}, then waiting for the blink, in this ...
这就是Scp-173(雕像-最初之作,The Sculpture-The Original)小说,是SCP基金会最经典,也是最早创作出的条目。在SCP-173诞生之后,一大批模仿小说也随之诞生,共同构筑了今天SCP基金会这座创作殿堂。不过这个时候,很多作品并没有严格参考SCP-173的写作风格,因而导致质量良莠不齐。