退出伪装 退出伪装 jumpscare 扼喉 被扼喉中 扼喉击杀 死亡 骨架散架 死亡尖叫 杂项 休谟护盾破裂 历史 新怪谈-3114更改日志 冷知识 新怪谈-3114 由David "moonmunk" Costello.配音
The initial appearance of SCP-173 was something really different to the /x/ community. Instead of being a basic story with a jump scare punchline, or a thing that made you feel squicked and scared, it was designed to make you wonder, and draw fear from that. You can imagine the reac...
控制Control可是对面有什么技能我有什么,冲刺,漂浮,支配,护盾,意念控物(外加官方外挂辅助瞄准),实属表现何为恐惧源自于火力不足(当收容部那位只要在黑暗基本等同于无敌的和不知道从哪里绕路到身旁jumpscare的小怪例外)。 但控制Control绝妙之处便在于巧妙地利用游戏的载体去体现那奇特诡异的犹如吃了菌子般才能想象出来...
《SCP-087》(以下简称“087”)的玩法简单来说,其实就是一款带有恐怖元素的“步行模拟器”,玩家作为前来探索的“D级人员”,可以做的只有不停地向下前进,数着楼层,顺便戒备一下不时发生的“jumpscare”。 如果用现在的眼光来看,“087”的质量很难说得上是优秀,枯燥的回旋楼梯,粗糙的建模与贴图,以及不够高明的“...
SCP-173 is a supporting antagonist in the SCP Foundation mythos. It is a statue which can move at a very high speed and can snap the neck of any life form. It is perhaps the most famous SCP of all time and the first one ever written and caught. It is als
“poison effect”. A good entry may not hit right away, but like a poison, it leeches in and starts to make itself known. I'm not so much trying to scare you right now, but make it so you turn on the hall light when going to bed, even if you don't need to. Hit these ...
This weird mod changes every jumpscare sounds in the game to Turkhis meme Dımbıllan dayı's perfect sound.SCP:CB Confused Edition Oct 4 2022 Released 2022 Arcade Hi, my name is Thai and this is my first cb mod. I hope you'll like it! (a little hint: Never trust anything...
If you love games that will scare the hell out of you then let me start by saying that SCP - Containment Breach is a game you have to play. Even if you are a hardcore horror fan this game is going to make you jump more than if you were on a trampoline. What Is SCP? The origin...
……这里要着重表扬“恐怖脸”的出场方式,完全不是jump scare那种为了吓人而吓人的烂桥段。什么开门杀、拐角杀、直么愣登冲脸杀,一概没有。而是配合着剧情和现场道具,明显琢磨过的,非常自然的“恐怖脸露出”。比如先是一个死尸倒地,给你做好准备。但是脸部全黑,然后一个电话打来,借着手机来电显示的灯光,这才...