SCP-173-B, Junior Researcher Curtis for scale. SCP-173-Brick Director Arch's Notes:This little fucker's one of the worst things to contain in the non-brick Site-19, luckily, minifigs don't need to blink. So I just removed the legs from some D-class and put them in its cell. In...
The image(Which is no longer available) was the original iteration of the SCP logo. While countless additional iterations and versions have been created and altered over the years, the basic image of three arrows and a shield has remained intact. Due to personal life issues, far2 left the w...
As SCP-6820-A, it has no known physical form, with it's final page image being the current image found on SCP-682's page with the monster absent, only showing the field the photo was taken at. Powers and Abilities[] SCP-682[] SCP-682 can easily tear through reinforced steel walls...
SCP-682被引进SCP-173的收容区域中。SCP-682发出几声震耳的尖叫,然后迅速将自己挤靠在离SCP-173最远的墙上,一直盯着它。 SCP-682持续盯着SCP-173六个小时没有眨眼。装备了大口径狙击步枪的特工被派遣过来,射瞎了SCP-682的眼睛,同时停止所有对SCP-682和SCP-173的观察。 在恢复观察后,SCP-682倒在地板上,在头...
in the end reality is built in the image of what is itself an image, going on infinitely. This "existence" we find ourselves in is the concept of the anomalous and the ordinary. The two are disparate halves of a whole, yet two concepts united into one, pulling everything in the world...
Full size image Genetics studies in single-cell protein Metabolic engineering is pivotal in optimizing the biotechnological production of SCP from bacteria, fungi, and algae. This strategy involves deliberate modifications to microbial metabolic pathways to enhance protein synthesis. Specifically, researchers...
WinSCP is a popular free SFTP and FTP client for Windows, a powerful file manager that will improve your productivity. It supports also Amazon S3, FTPS, SCP and WebDAV protocols, as well as copying between two local directories. Power users can automate
SCP-2191-21 is healthy and aesthetically pleasing, making them appear attractive to women of a similar age who are impressed by SCP-2191-21's image, taking a liking to dressing formally when acting as a field agent, usually wearing a two-pistol suit or a sword. When on vacation, they ...
It was founded by a small number of Atlanteans (Homo sapiens aquarius) removed from SCP-5525, where they were maintained in statis within an anomalous device known as the "Untimely Mirror". The Atlanteans were subsequently granted a small region of land around a reservoir by the US Government...