SCP-1726 - The Library and the Pillar SCP-1727 - Auto-Heaven SCP-1728 - Buttery Decapitated Highwayman SCP-1729 - The Collectors SCP-1730 - What Happened to Site-13? SCP-1731 - An Exercise in Futility SCP-1732 - Septimius Leo SCP-1733 - Season Opener SCP-1734 - The Hole in the Deck...
项目等级:Euclid SCP-1726是一座与月牙桥相连的藏经阁, 距今已有一千二百年的历史(唐代) 有花园和喷泉将藏经阁包围。 馆内收藏有许多关于上古神秘失落文明的文本和文物。 里面住着54个可活动智能瓷人,为来者担当向导员。 围绕藏经阁的花园内立有一石碑,此碑高耸入云, 直通天顶,具体高度未知。 一条木质走道沿石碑...
在SCP-1726内发现的物质将不得移出SCP-1726。 与SCP-1726-1个体的交流将按照文件1726-CO进行。 所有SCP-1726内的文件拷贝将储存在Research Archive 18。 描述:SCP-1726是一栋单层建筑,位于中国的[删除]省。用于建造SCP-1726的材料没有异常,而其原本建筑物的历史可以追溯到公元1200年。 SCP-1726内部是一个稳定的...
SCP-1726 - The Library and the Pillar SCP-1727 - Auto-Heaven SCP-1728 - Buttery Decapitated Highwayman SCP-1729 - The Collectors SCP-1730 - What Happened to Site-13? SCP-1731 - An Exercise in Futility SCP-1732 - Septimius Leo SCP-1733 - 開季賽 SCP-1734 - The Hole in the Deck SCP...
SCP-1726 - The Library and the Pillar SCP-1727 - Auto-Heaven SCP-1728 - Buttery Decapitated Highwayman SCP-1729 - The Collectors SCP-1730 - What Happened to Site-13? SCP-1731 - An Exercise in Futility SCP-1732 - Septimius Leo SCP-1733 - Season Opener SCP-1734 - The Hole in the Deck...
The Library is also known as the Nexus of Worlds and Great Library Yggdrasil due to its connection to multiple universes, with a particularly close connection to other anomalous libraries such as SCP-1726 and SCP-4001. The Nexus and the books within are maintained and protected by various ...
山师怪奇物语|这份SCP绝密档案,阅后请自行销毁! 山东师范大学学生工作部 投稿邮箱 xsczhenggao@163.com 文字WRITER|徐安妮 图片PHOTO|贾梦娇 郭铭瑞 编辑EDITOR|康明辉 审编RESPONDSIBLEEDITOR|周承倜王晓宇 曹怡琳 姜雪 徐珂 王思嘉 刘小瑜 亓家璇 王炜...