SCP-1471並沒有列出開發者名單,而且似乎能以未知的手段跳過審核機制直接發行。SCP-1471同時也能阻止其它的程式管理軟體移除自己。 安裝SCP-1471之後不會在裝置上顯示該應用程式專屬的圖標或捷徑。SCP-1471接著會開始每隔3到6小時透過簡訊傳送單張圖片。這些圖片中都有一個編號為SCP-1471-A的實體存在於背景或前景。SCP...
SCP-1471也能避免被其他程序管理软件删除。 SCP-1471被安装后,此软件的图标和快捷方式不会被创建。SCP-1471之后会开始每隔3到6小时通过短信发送个体的图片。所有图片将包含SCP-1471-A,或位于前景中或位于背景中。SCP-1471-A表现为一个大的人形,有类似狗的头骨和黑色头发。 在SCP-1471安装后的前24小时中,此移动...
SCP-1471没有给出开发商并且能以某种方式绕过申请处理流程直接被发行。SCP-1471也能避免被其他程序管理软件删除。 SCP-1471被安装后,此软件的图标和快捷方式不会被创建。SCP-1471之后会开始每隔3到6小时通过短信发送个体的图片。所有图片将包含SCP-1471-A,或位于前景中或位于背景中。SCP-1471-A表现为一个大的人形...
SCP 1471 is a mysterious app that, once downloaded, eventually leads to the user seeing SCP 1471-A, a humanoid wolf creature with a skull for a face and creepy, milk-white eyes. While SCP 1471-A's true intentions are not fully understood, it is generally considered best to avoid it in...
SCP 1471 AEndorsements 0 Total views 93 Added on 01 March 2025 7:58PM Uploaded by IconOreo More images View more from uploader About this image Notice This user's image description contains 1 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use ...
Item #: SCP-1471 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: All mobile devices that have SCP-1471 installed are to be confiscated and analyzed for any potential leads to other possibly affected devices. Afterwards, affected devices are to have their batteries removed, be assigned a design...
Item #: SCP-1471 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: All mobile devices that have SCP-1471 installed are to be confiscated and analyzed for any potential leads to other possibly affected devices. Afterwards, affected devices are to have their batteries removed, be assigned a design...
SCP-1466 - A Canary SCP-1467 - The Man that Wasn't SCP-1468 - Literature Birds SCP-1469 - Cookie Cutters SCP-1470 - Telepathic Spider SCP-1471 - MalO ver1.0.0 SCP-1472 - Multiverse Strip Club SCP-1473 - Live the Words SCP-1474 - In Solidarity with Xiu Lidao, Great Sage, Equal ...
SCP-1466 - A Canary SCP-1467 - The Man that Wasn't SCP-1468 - Literature Birds SCP-1469 - Cookie Cutters SCP-1470 - Telepathic Spider SCP-1471 - MalO ver1.0.0 SCP-1472 - Multiverse Strip Club SCP-1473 - Live the Words SCP-1474 - In Solidarity with Xiu Lidao, Great Sage, Equal ...