事故记录132-01:R███████博士,目前驻扎在Area-██,报告说将SCP-132-71从她的桌子上打落在地。在撞击地面时,SCP-132-71破碎了,并且R███████的办公室遭受了猛烈强风的冲击。其它SCP-132的拥有者证实SCP-132-71和附近的实例中显示的区域正在经历一场沙暴。 附录132-01:经过对SCP-132仔细的...
Description:SCP-132 takes the form of a series of ███ glass tetrahedrons, each with a side length of 10.3 centimeters. Each instance of SCP-132 appears to contain a patch of desert sand. Occasionally scorpions and other desert creatures enter the confines of an instance of SCP-132 as if...
SCP-132 - Broken Desert SCP-133 - Instant Hole SCP-134 - Star-Eyed Child SCP-135 - Universal Carcinogen SCP-136 - Naked Doll SCP-137 - The Real Toy SCP-138 - The Ever-Living Man SCP-139 - All Eyes on Lucian 👁 SCP-140 - An Incomplete Chronicle SCP-141 - Codex Damnatio SCP-14...
可以带你穿越到“平行世界”的SCP!见证另一个地球发生的浩劫!SCP-132-ARC Dolores帕劳族人 SCP-132-ARC并不是SCP-132,关于这个页面其实早已应该删除的,但是因为一些其他文档取用了SCP-132-ARC的内容所以还是保留了这个SCP,这个SCP-132是一个帕劳族女性,似乎有吸收情感的能力。这篇文档是在035的收容室得到的...
SCP-132-ARC- Sufferer of the World's Sorrow SCP-157-ARC- The "Shot Heard 'Round the World" SCP-244-ARC- Egg Walker SCP-400-ARC- A Telephone Box SCP-494-ARC- Communication Torus SCP-515-ARC- Butterfly Camera SCP-517-ARC- A Demon Born From War ...
考虑到从SCP-035收容室墙上文章之翻译团队成员大量的自杀/杀人,该区域所受的士气打击,以及在处理SCP-035时导致工作人员精神错乱或死亡的整体损失情况,已决定使用在收容SCP-132时已被证明作用良好的SCP-148覆盖其收容室的内墙和外墙,希望能阻隔SCP-035发射出的高度消极性。035-09 SCP-148使用状态良好,使得士气与...
SCP-132-破碎沙漠 SCP-133-便携式洞穴 SCP-134-星眼孩童 SCP-135-癌魔 SCP-136-裸体人偶 SCP-137-真实玩具 SCP-138-永生者 SCP-139-疑似白魔的头骨 SCP-140-未完编年史 SCP-141-诅咒法典 SCP-142-独臂强盗 SCP-143-刃木之森 SCP-144-西藏通天绳 SCP-145-噬人手机 SCP-146-忏罪铜首 SCP-147-落伍...
and general loss of staff dealing with SCP-035 to either death or insanity, it has been decided to coat the inner and outer walls of its containment cell withSCP-148, which has proved well in the containment ofSCP-132(see Document 132-01), in order to hopefully block out the high leve...