在操作者离开SCP-1302-1附近,且余额表处于负值时,会自动生成SCP-1302-3的一个实例。 在SCP-1302-3出现后的21天内,其会以超出其所有者控制的方式使其所有者遭受财产损失,损失之值为SCP-1302-3上打印的数字。损失只会由其所有者承担,无关其目前位置或所有权。当损失足够时,SCP-1302-3将会自燃,此被称为“...
SCP-1302 - Loss Chaser SCP-1303 - Hunting Cavern SCP-1304 - Metafictional Rebirth Ritual SCP-1305 - Cat Lure SCP-1306 - Potion of Summon Bird SCP-1307 - The Person Sharpener SCP-1308 - Hungarian Floater SCP-1309 - Time-Locked Town SCP-1310 - Examination Room 10 SCP-1311 - Sudden Body...
SCP-1302 - Loss Chaser SCP-1303 - Hunting Cavern SCP-1304 - Metafictional Rebirth Ritual SCP-1305 - Cat Lure SCP-1306 - Potion of Summon Bird SCP-1307 - The Person Sharpener SCP-1308 - Hungarian Floater SCP-1309 - Time-Locked Town SCP-1310 - Examination Room 10 SCP-1311 - Sudden Body...
SCP-1302 - Loss Chaser SCP-1303 - Hunting Cavern SCP-1304 - Metafictional Rebirth Ritual SCP-1305 - Cat Lure SCP-1306 - Potion of Summon Bird SCP-1307 - 削人肉鉛筆機 SCP-1308 - Hungarian Floater SCP-1309 - Time-Locked Town SCP-1310 - Examination Room 10 SCP-1311 - Sudden Body Integri...
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SCP-3002 was originally discovered when Dr. Susan Fairbank, a psychologist working at the prison, noticed a large amount of inmates mentioning specific memories that all seemed to be identical. The incident was brought to the attention of the Foundation after agents monitoring a message board conce...
拍前议价~PHOENIX 2963718 24V PSR-SCP-2 已售少于100 ¥1302点击查看更多配送: 广东广州至 北京东城 快递: 99.00现货,付款后48小时内发货 保障:7天无理由退货 破损包退查看更多 用户评价 参数信息 图文详情 本店推荐 用户评价 参数信息 品牌 无品牌/无注册商标 售后服务 其他 图文详情...
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1、远程执行,带密码参数 sshpass 安装命令: yum install sshpass 执行命令: sshpass -p "mima" ssh root@localhost---参数小写p,密码mima 2、非22端口 ssh -p 9062 "/root/xx.sh" ---参数小写p,端口9062 scp -P 9062 -r dist ---参数大写P,端口9062 3、带密码...