- SCP-1283测试记录 备注:SCP-1283-1使用声音的身份是通过事后对对象进行采访确认,或是经由对象与该声音的对话推断。SCP-1283-1. 虽然对象通常会与SCP-1283-1进行对话,但SCP-1283-1从未回应对象的问题和陈述。因此,测试记录中排除了对对象的抄录。 测试-1283-01对象:D-20283SCP-1283-1的声音:“Julia”,D-20...
Mobile Task Forces (MTFs) are the Foundation's elite teams comprised of experts in various fields, specializing in handling the most difficult, dangerous, absurd and terrifying missions within their range, which average agents and researchers cannot solve. In almost all urgent and dangerous tasks,...
SCP-1283 - Radio Panic SCP-1284 - The Moon's Child Bride SCP-1285 - The Wooden Movie Prop SCP-1286 - Sad Man SCP-1287 - Closure SCP-1288 - Timely Encouragement SCP-1289 - Charon's Obol SCP-1290 - Imperfect Teleporter SCP-1291 - Football Gods SCP-1292 - Contagious Scantron Disease SC...
SCP-1283 - Radio Panic SCP-1284 - The Moon's Child Bride SCP-1285 - The Wooden Movie Prop SCP-1286 - Sad Man SCP-1287 - Closure SCP-1288 - Timely Encouragement SCP-1289 - Charon's Obol SCP-1290 - Imperfect Teleporter SCP-1291 - Football Gods SCP-1292 - Contagious Scantron Disease SC...
SCP-1283 - Radio Panic SCP-1284 - The Moon's Child Bride SCP-1285 - The Wooden Movie Prop SCP-1286 - Sad Man SCP-1287 - Closure SCP-1288 - Timely Encouragement SCP-1289 - Charon's Obol SCP-1290 - 有缺憾的傳送器 SCP-1291 - 美式足球神祇 SCP-1292 - Contagious Scantron Disease SCP-...
SCP-CN-067-X-62:C行为类 一种未被精确分类的绦虫类物种,解剖表明其内部结构由约98%的未知组织和约2%的液泡构成。通常外表形似于一具人类尸体,不受外界刺激影响。目前SCP-CN-067-X-15现存个体数量为1283,是现时数量最多的SCP-CN-067-X。SCP-CN-067-X-62常见的行为有: ...
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1283 end 1284 traverse task, type, "#{task}_dir_#{type}" 1285 end 1286 run_hook "post-#{task}" 1287 end 1288 1289 def traverse(task, rel, mid) 1290 dive_into(rel) { 1291 run_hook "pre-#{task}" 1292 __send__ mid, rel.sub(%r[\A.*?(?:/|\z)], '') ...
在20██/██/██对助理研究员黄██的记忆删除后,SCP-CN-1228已确认被无效化。 描述:SCP-CN-1228是一种内容与一只鸽子(称为“记忆实体”)有关的,可通过口头语言在不同宿主的记忆间转移的认知影响信息。 当未受到SCP-CN-1228影响的对象听到了前一个宿主使用口头语言叙述的SCP-CN-1228(称为SCP-CN-1228...