SCP-1240-C将于白天的某个时候在回信地址的正门门口出现,此时不会人正对门口进行直接观察;没有观察到过任何送货人或送货车辆。如果正门入口被摄像头监控,监控将在SCP-1240-C出现时暂时失灵。 SCP-1240-C是一种动物,总会在其生活环境或为运输该动物而设的工具中送达。SCP-1240-C不可能是在触发递送的信件上提到...
SCP-1240-C is an animal, which will always be delivered within a living environment or a means of transporting the animal. SCP-1240-C will never be the type of animal mentioned in the letter which provoked its delivery, but it always imitate some of the behaviors of the mentioned animal....
SCP-1240 - The Mixed-up Pet Shop SCP-1241 - Livin' With Werewolves SCP-1242 - Doppelganger Virus SCP-1243 - Relocation Services SCP-1244 - Universal Stopwatch SCP-1245 - Whaling Ship SCP-1246 - Stone Spiral SCP-1247 - LaBeouf Viewer SCP-1248 - Personality Recorder SCP-1249 - Pestilence ...
SCP-1240 - The Mixed-up Pet Shop SCP-1241 - Livin' With Werewolves SCP-1242 - Doppelganger Virus SCP-1243 - Relocation Services SCP-1244 - Universal Stopwatch SCP-1245 - Whaling Ship SCP-1246 - Stone Spiral SCP-1247 - LaBeouf Viewer SCP-1248 - Personality Recorder SCP-1249 - Pestilence ...
SCP-1240 - The Mixed-up Pet Shop SCP-1241 - Livin' With Werewolves SCP-1242 - Doppelganger Virus SCP-1243 - Relocation Services SCP-1244 - Universal Stopwatch SCP-1245 - 捕鯨船 SCP-1246 - Stone Spiral SCP-1247 - LaBeouf Viewer SCP-1248 - 個性紀錄儀 SCP-1249 - Pestilence SCP-1250 - ...
Miller:1240 Quinn Hill Rd, Plantation and please please hurry! Dispatch:Okay, an ambulance is en rou- Ms. Miller:<muffled> Ben? Get off the phone, what’s gotten into you today? Dispatch:Is that your Mother? Miller:Something’s happening! I’m going to try CPR! How do y’all do ...
SCP保护器是用在锂电池模组保护基板上之一种保护装置,其在加热器上方配有可熔断性保险丝,置于电池内部发生过电流及过电压时可切断回路,达到保护整体产品之效果,具备过压,过流,过热的三种保护模式。 UCHIHASHI日本内桥BZ07-500,BMS电池管理系统过充过热保护器专营。额定电压DC400V,75安,50ΩJ,产品取得UL认证(E106...
SCPCB: Unity is a free remake of the game SCP Containment Breach made in unity. We plan to add more features and SCPs then the original game. 全部评测: 无用户评测 发行日期: 即将推出 开发商: Wreckless Interactive 发行商: Wreckless Interactive ...
宅迦奥特曼:王不二用出了不二流星拳!谁知花生外星人完好无损! 21892022-3-6 02:20 宅迦奥特曼:对决花生星人173!王不二成为奥特曼后的第一场战斗 1.5万2022-3-5 02:15 宅迦奥特曼:城市出现神秘的花生外星人?王不二变身奥特曼归来! 65702022-3-4
Valerie Barnett SCP Styling, Casting and Production Valerie Barnett 35-24 78th Street Jackson Heights, New York 11372 718-424-1240 917-328-5829