并且会有哭声,然后会有声音显示SCP106contained successfully。但是需要萌新注意的是,完成整个献祭仪式,需要两个人,一个进入献祭室,一个按按钮,当按钮按下时,机器声响起,那么SCP-106就死定了,渐渐的潜入地下。SCP-106攻击人时,并不是直接杀死,而是放入一个异世界的口袋,人在里面会持续扣血,口袋中有好几个出口,...
SCP-xxx 已被自动控制系统成功摧毁。 SCP-079 因电机过载而被收容:SCP-079 contained successfully. SCP-079 已收容成功。 SCP(除 SCP-079)被其余方式收容:SCP-xxx contained successfully, containment unit —— unknown. SCP-xxx 已收容成功,收容部队编号未知。 SCP-106 通过大腿粉碎机广播被收容:Ahhhhhhhhhh,...
SCP-079 因电机过载而被收容:SCP-079 contained successfully.SCP-079 已收容成功。SCP(除 SCP-079)被其余方式收容:SCP-xxx containedsuccessfully, containment unit —— unknown.SCP-xxx 已收容成功,收容部队编号未知。SCP-106 通过大腿粉碎机广播被收容:Ahhhhhhhhhh,ahaha,Ahhhhhhhhhh,ahahahahahahahah,Why,w...
"SCP-XXX(NATO #s) contained successfully, containment unit [Military Phonetic Alphabet]-[Nato #]." “SCP-XXX(NATO #s)成功收容,收容单位[军用代号]-[#]。” 7.4.0版本之前;如果 SCP死于MTF/设施警卫以外的情况 "SCP-XXX(NATO #s) contained successfully, containment unit unknown. " “SCP-XXX( #...
▷ Contained Objects ▷ Notable Incidents SITE-106 Storage and Surveillance Site-106 Location: Southern Miami, Florida, USA Site-106 consists of several facilities. The primary building serves as the logistical base and headquarters of the Department of Procurement & Liquidation, which specializes...
广播员念的台词分别是..在吧里找到两段1:Attention,all personnel.The light contain zone decontamination process will occur in T Minu
Description:A treehouse behind an abandoned house. The words "SCP CLUBHOUSE" are carved into the wood. Inside are three boxes. The first box is labeled "106". A G.I. Joe's action figure crudely painted black is contained inside. The second box is labeled "682". The skeletal remains of...
在游戏中一共出现了,SCP-173, SCP-106, SCP-914, SCP-096, SCP-049, 以及 SCP-062SCP物品的目标是杀死科学家,D级人员,九尾狐,以及可能的混沌人员(部分服务器可能可以允许SCP与混沌合作,但是请提前看好服务器规则)简单来说就是看到人就杀,当最后设施或者设施外没有科学家,D级人员,九尾狐时,系统判定SCPS2.1...
SCP-106 SCP-106 is a hostile, Keter-class SCP object, known for its corrosive effect on all matter it makes contact with. It is of high importance to keep contained due to its hazardous and hostile nature. --- SCP-106 is
Although open fire will not kill it, it still takes time for SCP-682 to regenerate which is how it is often re-contained. If given a high enough dose of sedatives, SCP-682 will be knocked out. This option is almost never utilized however since it requires getting well in range of ...