然而,SCP-1037-1比SCP-1037本身或未受影響的相同物質易碎。如果有足夠的時間,由SCP-1037製成的結構將因為缺乏完整結構而倒塌。如時間足夠,理論上SCP-1037能夠將整個地球轉換為SCP-1037-1,這代表項目可以引發一個N0K級「傳染物質」場景。根據上述指數方程式判斷,上述情況會在SCP-1037接觸地面大約8年會發生。 發現:...
尽管SCP-CN-1037在行为习惯上仍可能和目标有所区别,但其精神影响能力会令目标的亲友忽视这些异常。 将被取代的目标的后代记作SCP-CN-1037-1。绝大多数案例中,SCP-CN-1037-1均不超过六岁,仅有极少数(约占总比例的0.03%)的-1个体处于六至十岁之间。在可查证的记录中,SCP-CN-1037的精神影响能力会在拟态期的...
项目编号:SCP-ES-1037 项目等级:Euclid 特殊收容措施:根据SCP-ES-1038-A协议,SCP -ES-1037因其与SCP-ES-1038亲密的关系导致其无法被基金会收容。任何基金会马员不得以任何方式影响SCP-ES-1037,以避免其对现实造成影响。 描述:SCP-ES-1037为一幼年雌性独角兽,小马国注册姓名为███,DNA 检测表表明其父亲为独...
SCP-1037Euclid (Formerly Safe) SCP-1079Safe SCP-1123Safe SCP-1187Safe SCP-1137Euclid SCP-1158Euclid SCP-1187Safe SCP-1198Safe SCP-1208Safe SCP-1258Euclid SCP-1288Safe SCP-1297Keter SCP-1307Safe SCP-1321SafeNeutralized SCP-1326Euclid SCP-1327Safe ...
SCP-CN-1037- Ass See Pee, how much suffering you've caused! SCP-CN-1050- "Aquarius" SCP-CN-1056- Little Lingual Fairies SCP-CN-1066- "Huaxi" Second-Hand Phone Shop SCP-CN-1076- "Have another bottle" SCP-CN-1080- A Silent Bell ...
SCP-1037- Rotbolt - Rating: +76- Originally filed by ResearchercarbonCore Following quarantine, the infected areas were destroyed through the use of explosives. However, the wreckage of the site began converting the surrounding Earth to SCP-1037-material. At the discretion of Director Moose, gaso...
Description:SCP-682 is a large, vaguely reptile-like creature of unknown origin. It appears to be extremely intelligent, and was observed to engage in complex communication withSCP-079during their limited time of exposure. SCP-682 appears to have a hatred of all life, which has been expressed...
- SCP 1094-EX (photo) - SCP 1077 - SCP 1092 - SCP 1125 - SCP 1137 - SCP 1151-1 - SCP 1167 - SCP 1180-1 - SCP 1205 - SCP 1207 - SCP 1238 - SCP 1278 - SCP 1286 - SCP 1307 - SCP 1345-RU - SCP 1423 - SCP 1439