human race, they published a picture of SCP-096 throughout the internet allowing most of the world to look at its face causing the monster to go after most of the human population. To make matters worse, news reports showed 096 killing its victims allowing other people to look at its ...
When someone views SCP-096's face, even indirectly, it will enter a stage of considerable emotional distress for 20 seconds. When it exits this stage, it will begin chasing that person at great speed with the intent of killing. --- IN...
Apparently, this seemed to "irritate" SCP-6096 significantly, to the point where it decided to change its target to SCP-920, and attempted to neutralize him with its usual method of killing. However, SCP-920 has much higher durability than of a normal human and SCP-6096’s attack is not...
Spent ten whole years thinking up garbage plans for killing anomalies that no-one ever intends to kill, and then the moment the top brass saw a good excuse they secretly let him out of his cage so he could rampage—" A dull groaning they'd ignored as part of the crumbling structure's...
And the person affected will attempt to kill SCP-053 after first killing or driving off all humans they can see. Those attempting to kill SCP-053 will suffer massive heart attacks or seizures, and die seconds after doing any physical damage to SCP-053. SCP-053 will regenerate almost ...
SCP-999, also known as "The Tickle Monster", is a character in the SCP Foundation series. It is a sentient mass of orange slime which is known for its adorable appearance and friendly attitude. It is one of the most, if not the most friendly anomaly in F
SCP-3125, also known as The Escapee, is a major antagonists in the SCP Foundation series. It is a Keter class living meme and omnipresent entity inhabiting the human collective consciousness and killing anyone who learns of it. It is the deity worshiped
It crashes. All the time. Like I can’t even play for five minutes without it crashing. It isn’t a me issue I don’t think. Also, when I’m playing I legit cannot find anyone. The bots end up killing me. Another thing: I hate that the sound automatically turns up when you joi...
you can revive the victims by holding E directly after killing them (there is a window of time to revive them) you can only revive people killed by you. your best bet to stay alive is to stay underground or gather LOTS of zombies and run through that halls with them surrounding you. ...
everyone (except the command's sender) into 2 teams (ClassD's and Scientists), teleports them into separate rooms, gives them equipment depending on the specified weapon (tdm weapons to see all weapons). Turns off friendly fire and after 30s allows everyone to go out and start killing!