SCP096迷宫逃亡联机功能上线,玩家将在这个恐怖迷宫当中找到正确出口,解谜闯关开启不同的剧情,注意解锁更多的剧情章节,完成闯关挑战,成功逃离迷宫吧。 SCP096迷宫逃亡简介 支持多人联机的恐怖逃亡游戏。游戏中拥有极其可怕的怪物,玩家需要不算的收集物资或者武器来对付怪物,不要被怪物抓住,否则的话下场很惨,轻则变异,重...
summary members articles videos images Hello! If you play then please go to the server "Big Food - United States" with this name "【SCP-096 Game】" This description is only for people who joined this group. You can talk in public or you can talk in
SCP096迷宫逃亡是一款具有恐怖游戏氛围的角色扮演类游戏,游戏中拥有极其可怕的怪物,玩家需要不算的收集物资或者武器来对付怪物,不要被怪物抓住,这款游戏的画面和音效营造了紧张的氛围,完成任务,这是一个非常困难的挑战,才能更快的完成挑战内容,来感受更多的游戏内容。 SCP096迷宫逃亡特色 独特的恐怖类型:将自己置身于...
我的世界scp096模组游戏概括 我的世界scp096模组是一款融入了scp系列恐怖元素的像素沙盒创造类游戏,在这款游戏里玩家可以随意玩耍或者建造自己的喜欢的东西,但是玩家也要小心这个恐怖的scp怪物,因为scp怪物会时不时来到玩家身边哦,感兴趣的玩家们,欢迎前来下载体验一下吧。
In the tale "(The Engine of a Film) / (The Fine Game of Nil)", three researchers planned to fix 096's problem by usingSCP-035. The plan surprisingly worked as although 035 was able to talk through 096, 096 not only retained control over its body, but became somewhat sapient, talking...
新怪谈-096是新怪谈秘密实验室 中七个可以操作的SCP之一。 新怪谈-096 充当着进攻类的新怪谈角色, 能够与团队有效地推进,一旦被激怒,它就能撕裂大群目标。 新怪谈-079与新怪谈-096不能在同一回合中生成,除非服务器有足够的玩家在一轮中生成六个新怪谈。新怪谈-096 永远不能作为给定回合中唯一的新怪谈而生成 ...
SCP-896 - Online Role Playing Game SCP-897 - Voodoo Organ Transplant SCP-898 - Memetic Counter-Agent SCP-899 - Lost Children 900 to 999 SCP-900 - City of the Sun SCP-901 - The Building on the Square SCP-902 - The Final Countdown SCP-903 - Tunnel of Infinite Possibility SCP-904 -...
SCP-896 - Online Role Playing Game SCP-897 - Voodoo Organ Transplant SCP-898 - Memetic Counter-Agent SCP-899 - Lost Children 900 to 999 SCP-900 - City of the Sun SCP-901 - The Building on the Square SCP-902 - The Final Countdown SCP-903 - Tunnel of Infinite Possibility SCP-904 -...
Welcome to SCP Bloodwater, a super cool game where you get to be in charge of a special place inspired by the SCP Foundation’s Red Pool, which is kinda mysterious and exciting! In this game, you become the boss, the Site Director, at the Red Pool Containment Zone, or Area-354 Conta...
SCP - Containment Breach is an indie survival horror game, where you take the role of D-9341, a test subject of SCP Foundation, an organization dedicated to containing and safeguarding anomalous creatures and artifacts from the rest of the world.