Wilford:Four pixels. Four fucking pixels. I doubt the guy even knew what he saw. He was probably just lookin’ at the picture one day, noticed an off-color patch of snow, and went on with his day. Interviewer:How did you find it? Wilford:Our SCRAMBLE gear picked it up right away. ...
SCP-096, also known as the Shy Guy, is a supporting antagonist in the SCP Foundation series. It is a Euclid class anomaly contained by the Foundation, who will know if someone looked at its face and relentlessly pursue that individual until violently mur
0 Reply 3 years ago 2 WizardNodesYT Nope… The other one is just a revised version with some mistakes fixed. Sorry for the false alarm lol 0 Reply 3 years ago 479 XplainnHere they come to snuff the Rooster, ah yeah! Four pixels. FOUR [REDACTED] PIXELS. 0 Reply 3 years ago La...
Location:Room 4, St. Cedric's Primary School, Surrey, UK Security Protocol:Doors and windows bricked up, room fitted with intruder alarms. Unexplained Location UE-941712 Description:A sphere 5 meters in radius. All humans who are caught in the sphere spontaneously vocalize, in English, "boy, ...