For example,SCP-096has smart (and destructive) movement to reach its target at all costs, andSCP-001 The Prototypeuses black holes to obliterate everyone! Combat Experience You came here looking for good gameplay? SCP: Dystopia has some fun weapons to use! >:) ...
096 ability is going into rage mode when someone is looking at it. Poor guy panics when someone is looking at it, like all of us. In this mode, you’re very powerful making you an extremely formidable opponent. Outside of it, however, nothing is surprising. Since the rage is powerful,...
Imagine 096 acting those out in game. I'm so excited <3 My Youtube Account: SCP-500 Posts: 482 Joined: Tue Apr 16, 2013 10:52 pm Location: Canada Re: SCP-096 DISCUSSION #42 Serimah wrote:Oh, anyone seen the latest WOP Animations for 096...
Description:SCP-5555 is a mass grave in the northwest corner of Overwatch Command's lowest subbasement that is filled with anomalous corpses. Although most of the bodies within SCP-5555 can be removed without incident, continued excavation of the grave will inevitably reveal further instances of ...
Imera Games(黎明游戏),给另一个设定做的 黎明游戏版式(半影版) 简约报纸,美学版式 金属宇宙,美学版式 凛冽火光,本来给光遇crossover做的但是没做好,而且素材可能不cc,所以暂时作罢了 科学部,给另一个设定做的 科学部(英文,非独立版式) 文件夹,美学版式 ...