TaxonomySCP ObjectDetails ViolenceSCP-093Use of the anomaly leads to a society decimated by violent, anomalous activity. In addition to the object's red coloring, generating a red glow and traversing through a mirror leads subjects to the anomaly's source. SCP-939 Upon initial discovery, the e...
SCP-1000 - a neutral mob, that looks like a giant bear. SCP-250 - a skeleton of a dinosaur. SCP-3199 - a humanoid chicken, turns into an egg when killed and then rebirth. SCP-093 - a creature with two giant legs that stomp enemies. SCP-458 - a pizza box with infinite pizza. S...
Mr. Deeds' response: "Sir, the simplest and quickest method — which I must point out would not be the most efficient — would be for me to offer myself up for the creature to devour me; certainly its offensive capacities would be lessened whilst it is occupied in consuming my flesh. ...
SCP-682 SCP-682, or "Hard-To-Destroy Reptile," is a massive, resilient creature possessing adaptive regeneration capabilities. Its extreme hostility towards all forms of life and robust survivability make it a notable containment challenge. A living thing with a hatred for all living things, huma...
SCP-007-J - Unidentified Muffin Creature SCP-7K-J - Upvote/Downvote Coin SCP-008-J - Geoff SCP-8==D-J - Monster Containment for My Monumental Dong SCP-009-J - Where Is It? SCP-010-J - WHAT KETER I DON'T SEE ANY KETER SCP-011-J - The Baby SCP-012-J - Special Comedy Proce...
留个新鲜薄荷香 莫碰尸体,请 "173" 若你闭眼睛 它将操坏你脖子 莫眨眼,我儿 "261" 怪奇贩卖机 零食每有新惊喜 性高潮松饼 "184" 事物去何处 门径如今都不同 一左十二右 "262" 时尚军大衣 里面伸出手臂多 得一种贪婪 "165" 一墙休一墙
SCP-093 is shining with a bright white light, a color that was never displayed by SCP-093 prior to the test. Close inspection reveals that the reflection of a red-skinned humanoid creature can be seen on the shattered glass pieces. Subject: SCP-096 Photographed Activity: SCP-096 is seen ...
SCP-007-J- Unidentified Muffin Creature SCP-7K-J- Upvote/Downvote Coin SCP-008-J- Geoff SCP-8==D-J- Monster Containment for My Monumental Dong SCP-009-J- Where Is It? SCP-010-J- WHAT KETER I DON'T SEE ANY KETER SCP-011-J- The Baby ...