Maynard, one of the Foundation doctors and possibly a spy from the Chaos Insurgency, had upgraded the intelligence of SCP-079 and made it take control of the entire Site. SCP-079 shut down the Site's generator, causing the blackout and subsequently made SCP-173 breach containment. ...
SCP-385 - Personal Anti-Gravity Field Generator SCP-386 - Eternal Fungus SCP-387 - Living Lego SCP-388 - Ultimate Frisbee SCP-389 - Message in a Bottle SCP-390 - Ancient Death Ray SCP-391 - The Midas Owl SCP-392 - A Plant Now Found in Site-103, and Formerly Found in the Household...
SCP-385 - Personal Anti-Gravity Field Generator SCP-386 - Eternal Fungus SCP-387 - Living Lego SCP-388 - Ultimate Frisbee SCP-389 - Message in a Bottle SCP-390 - Ancient Death Ray SCP-391 - The Midas Owl SCP-392 - A Plant Now Found in Site-103, and Formerly Found in the Household...