SCP-035 — Possessive Mask: A sentient mask with the ability to possess anyone that wears it and rots them into nothingness. SCP-076-2: A humanoid of Sumerian descent that can summon a variety of weapons and if killed, revives in SCP-076-1. SCP-106 — The Old Man: An elderly humanoi...
Terrorists Without a Cause: Depending on whether or not the reader considers "art" a cause. True Art Is Incomprehensible: In-universe. Individuals of interest Eric Creepy Child: Considering what histoys and other possessionsare like, he is likely to be this. ...
SCP-076 26 Jul 2008, 05:59 Anonymous 1826 SCP-011 26 Jul 2008, 06:08 Kain Pathos Crow 849 SCP-182 26 Jul 2008, 06:29 Lt Masipag 346 SCP-017 26 Jul 2008, 06:38 Kain Pathos Crow 999 SCP-018 26 Jul 2008, 06:53 Kain Pathos Crow 571 SCP-113 26 Jul 2008, 07:22 Lt Masipag ...
这架势,完全就是赶鸭子上架,而沈雅安就是那只鸭子,被赶着下车。 不知道是真心还是作秀,陆梓宸还担心她会摔倒似的,轻轻地扶着她的腰,经过花园的小道,走向室内。 “素材够了吧。” 沈雅安转过头,很小声的冲陆梓宸抱怨道。 要知道,如果陆梓宸不想被拍,完全有办法让外面的这群记者继续摸空门。 地下车库...
第144章 作者:衡宇盈樽发布时间:2024-11-26 17:19字数:1,297第一百四十四章 “有没有搞错哦!竟然邀请我们全家去游轮上三天两夜游?这么大方的商家可不多见,脑子秀逗了吧!”挥舞着手中的邀请函,萧冉的语气很是怀疑和不客气,听得萧阳直皱眉。 “我说冉冉,好歹我们也算是公众人物,你就算要装也装个淑女好...