Item #:SCP-062-DE Object Class:Euclid Special Containment Procedures:SCP-062-DE is housed at Outpost 8 of Site-DE4. Outpost 8 is disguised as a communications post of a signal battalion of the Bundeswehr. The containment cell is a concrete building, 20 × 20 m in size, and disguised as...
SCP-062 - "Quantum" Computer SCP-063 - "The World's Best TothBrush" SCP-064 - Flawed von Neumann Structure SCP-065 - Destroyed Organic Catalyst SCP-066 - Eric's Toy SCP-067 - The Artist's Pen SCP-068 - The Wire Figure SCP-069 - Second Chance SCP-070 - Iron Wings SCP-071 - ...
SCP-062 - "Quantum" Computer SCP-063 - "The World's Best TothBrush" SCP-064 - Flawed von Neumann Structure SCP-065 - Destroyed Organic Catalyst SCP-066 - Eric's Toy SCP-067 - The Artist's Pen SCP-068 - The Wire Figure SCP-069 - Second Chance SCP-070 - Iron Wings SCP-071 - ...
SCP-062-IT— Fox Hunting SCP-033-IT— Human Scarecrows SCP-011-IT— The Zero Zone SCP-001-IT/ABAD— The Values of the Fatherland Action Reports: First Time Hostage Pluet Ignem The Worst Days of My Life SIR-IV "Missio Mercurii" ...
SCP-062 - "Quanten"computer SCP-063 - "Die weltbeste Zahnbürste" SCP-064 - Fehlerhafte Von-Neumann-Struktur SCP-065 - Zerstörter Organischer Katalysator SCP-066 - Erics Spielzeug SCP-067 - Der Stift eines Künstlers SCP-068 - Die Drahtfigur SCP-069 - Zweite Möglichkeit SCP-...
SCP-062 - "Quantum" ComputerSCP-063 - "世界上最好的牙刷"SCP-064 - Flawed von Neumann StructureSCP-065 - Organic Distortion FieldSCP-066 - Eric's ToySCP-067 - 艺术家之笔SCP-068 - The Wire FigureSCP-069 - Second ChanceSCP-070 - Iron WingsSCP-071 - Degenerative Metamorphic EntitySCP-...
0335C1H8R0DD01D、QMK316B7104ML-T、CDRR94NP-1R0MC、PCA1585P-1、SNC54LS153J、DEBB33D472K 深圳皓晟达文化科技有限公司1年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 深圳市福田区 ¥2.00 HA150.5出售也回收电子芯片.收电源充电器 Mitel芯片 规格型号 AC0402FR-07332KL、TSCDJJN001PDUCV、AMPI0603EL8R2MT、VCHA085...
Safety relay for emergency stop and safety door monitoring up to SIL 3 or Cat. 4, PL e in accordance with EN ISO 13849, 1- or 2-channel operation, 3 enabling current paths, nominal input voltage: 24 V AC/DC ... 230 V AC/DC, plug-in screw terminal blocks