SCP-035: A sentient mask with the ability to possess anyone that wears it and rots them into nothingness. SCP-076-2: A humanoid of Sumerian descent that can summon a variety of weapons and if killed, revives in SCP-076-1. SCP-106: An elderly humanoid with the ability to pass through ...
So I would like to lay out a scene for you, dear reader, of what it’s like to work on SCP-231. You arrive at the site, and they have you change into your new uniform before you leave it, upon which you are greeted by a member of support staff, also in suit, who then leads...
本吧热帖: 1-【游戏资源1.2】SCP收容失效原版及其重置版,部分问题解决方案 2-贴吧官方答疑群 3-求开核通关教程 4-scp九尾狐特遣队 5-建一个氵楼 6-写个超级全的CB攻略贴,专门给懒人看 7-水帖123 8-没有标题可取 9-收容失效问答贴 10-unity重制版的官网有没有更新
Object Class:Safe Special Containment Procedures:A single copy of SCP-1425 is to be kept in a double-locked archive in Storage Site 40. Access to the document is to be completely restricted barring express written permission of at least two of the following officials: the Site Director, the ...
So, what Theta-90 does is less important than who they are. But with that said, MTF Theta-90 ("Angle Grinders") is a Foundation Mobile Task Force trained to operate in areas that have anomalous geometry. When the angles are all wrong, when the space is non-Euclidean, or when the ...
他们杀死的丧尸尸体,已经布满了前面的一片地方。 等到最后一个丧尸被击杀之后,他们终于停火了。 “先打扫战场,把那些还没有死去的丧尸干掉,然后开始挖掘脑核,将丧尸的尸体带回去,看看能不能回收。” “是,长官。” 那些大兵顿时放下机枪,转而拿起了冲锋枪和手枪,开始打扫战场。 “长官,接下来的事情让我们做就好...
第一百四十四章 “有没有搞错哦!竟然邀请我们全家去游轮上三天两夜游?这么大方的商家可不多见,脑子秀逗了吧!”挥舞着手中的邀请函,萧冉的语气很是怀疑和不客气,听得萧阳直皱眉。 “我说冉冉,好歹我们也算是公众人物,你就算要装也装个淑女好不好?” 萧冉鄙夷的目光扫过正襟危坐的萧阳,不客气的吐槽,“我说...
本吧热帖: 1-【游戏资源1.2】SCP收容失效原版及其重置版,部分问题解决方案 2-贴吧官方答疑群 3-ScP收容失效第一关怎么过 4-建一个氵楼 5-unity重制版的官网有没有更新 6-收容失效问答贴 7-问下收容失效联机是pvp还是pve 8-我打开Steam上的那个收容失效后是这种怎么办 9-传
本吧热帖: 1-【游戏资源1.2】SCP收容失效原版及其重置版,部分问题解决方案 2-贴吧官方答疑群 3-传送指令谁会 4-收容失效问答贴 5-这个是什么鬼? 6-[新闻] Blitz3D开发者Mark Sibly于昨日逝世 7-建一个氵楼 8-想问一下106房间在哪啊,我找不到5级卡 9-谁知道是哪个人才写出
顾欢愉知道现在不能直接和他撕破脸皮,便先顺着他的意思离开了。 见女人走后,夜司晨脸色露出一抹冷厉,他盯着桌子上的文件,阴鸷的把它锁进柜子里。 顾欢愉简单的洗了个澡,她去房间找出了一包之前失眠吃的安眠药,将它倒进夜司晨平时喝咖啡的杯子里,随后亲手为他亲手冲了一杯香醇的咖啡。 她端着咖啡走到了夜...