Description: SCP-049 is a humanoid entity, roughly 1.9 meters in height, which bears the appearance of a medieval plague doctor. While SCP-049 appears to be wearing the thick robes and the ceramic mask indicative of that profession, the garments instead seem to have grown out of SCP-049's...
MTF-Upsilon-48 "Mask Repair" (面具修缮) MTF-CN-Omega-5 "Silver Fox Army" (银狐部队) MTF-Omega-11 "Concerto" (协奏曲) List of Task Forces with Nonstandard Names MTF-寅鼠-03 "Hope Explorers" (希望探险家) MTF-寅鼠-08 "Fines Frangimus Vi" (武破封疆) ...
SCP-049-J is permitted to leave its holding cell only under supervision of two (2) (II) (两1) (dos) guards armed with AR-15 rifles and stun batons. Due to olfactory concerns for staff assigned to SCP-049-J, the entity is no longer allowed to remove its mask. Description: SCP-049...
SCP-049, also referred to as the Plague Doctor, is a major antagonist in the SCP Foundation series. He is a Euclid-class object under the Foundation's containment. He is a humanoid figure that resembles a 15-16th century European Plague Doctor, with a black robe and a white-beaked mask...
尽管如此,由SCP(例如SCP-939或SCP-966)造成的流血事件仍有可能发生,并且SCP-049会短暂模糊玩家的视线。但即使如此,SCP-049的触摸也不会有任何作用。 noclipfly 字符串 当参数为“on”、“1”或“true”时,则启用无碰撞。当参数为“off”、“0”或“false”时,则禁用无碰撞。如果为其他参数,则切换无碰撞。
SCP-035 - Possessive Mask SCP-036 - The Reincarnation Pilgrimage of the Yazidi (Kiras Guhorîn) SCP-037 - Dwarf Star SCP-038 - The Everything Tree SCP-039 - Monkey Brain SCP-040 - Evolution's Child SCP-041 - Thought-Broadcasting Patient SCP-042 - A Formerly Winged Horse SCP-043 -...
遊戲內控制台可以用F3啟用,帶有Fn鍵的筆記本電腦可能需要按Fn+F3打開,Alt+F3也是一種方案。命令可以以<命令> <參數>形式輸入,多個參數可以用空格分隔。 整數:無小數的數字 浮點值:包含小數的整數 字符串:一串字符,輸入時必須省略引號以正確識別 布爾值:「true」或「
spawn scp049/096/106/173/966 刷scp supergasmask 超级防毒面具 finefirstaid 小型急救包 finevest 重型防弹背心 clipboard 剪贴板 Cigarette 香烟新人会用到的代码: spawnitem key6 1-6 是钥匙卡 6是万能卡 godmode 无敌模式 disable173 把小花生收容 ...
物品名参数:key 6~1(6~1级卡)、radio(对讲机)、finevest(防弹衣)、veryfineradio(无线电【超精】)、bat v9(电池)、hand/hand2(手)、scp714(疲劳戒指)、clipboard(剪贴板)、supergasmask(防毒面具【超精】)、finefirstaid(医疗箱)、scp1499(收容物)、syringe(注射器)、cigarette(香烟)、supernv(夜视仪【...
spawn scp049/096/106/173/966 刷scp supergasmask 超级防毒面具 finefirstaid 小型急救包 finevest 重型防弹背心 clipboard 剪贴板 Cigarette 香烟新人会用到的代码: spawnitem key6 1-6 是钥匙卡 6是万能卡 godmode 无敌模式 disable173 把小花生收容 ...