Hamm conducted a number of interviews with the subject regarding its anomalous properties, and over time began to note its displeasure with its subjects and the SCP-049-2 instances. This continued for a period of several months, during which SCP-049 never exhibited any aggressive behaviours....
Interviews with Prospective Groups of Interest Log Of Anomalous Items, Vol IV Log Of Anomalous Items, Vol I Log Of Anomalous Items, Vol II Log Of Anomalous Items, Vol III Log of Extranormal Events Log of Unexplained Locations New Technical Issues Technical Issues Operation Galahad Senior Sta...
SCP-076-2, also known as Able, is a supporting character in the SCP Foundation series, based off Abel from the Biblical Book of Genesis. He is a murderous barbarian who inhabits SCP-076-1, a Keter-class anomaly under the SCP Foundation's containment, and
SCP-2428-1 revealed in subsequent interviews that it retained no memory of this event. Subject: SCP-2430 Photographed Activity: Facing the camera. Photo Result: Photo of the late Adolf Hitler with his dog Blondi and wife Eva Braun in front of Hitler's childhood home in Braunau am Inn, ...
Interviews with these personnel suggest that they are unable to recognise the concept of Russia. Item: SCP-169 Tissue Test Record: Denied by O5-██ Termination Test Record: Denied by O5-██ Notes: No can do. I can understand how you might think that tracking down 169, then making it...