Special Containment Procedures:SCP-035 is to be kept within a hermetically sealed glass case, no fewer than 10 centimeters (4 inches) thick. This case is to be contained within a steel, iron and lead-shielded room at all times. Doors are to be triple-locked at all times, with the excep...
The Golden Threads Weaving Us Together CODE NAME: ROUNDERHOUSE's Jade Proposal - MAMJUL & KORAR INTERREGNUM: THE BLACKSTAR AT EVEREST Drowned Offerings I Think I Could Be Brave002 to 099SCP-002 - The "Living" Room The Mulhausen Incident The Long Goodbye ... not the end. SCP-003 - ...
文学, 是给未知的漂流瓶, 是不朽的时间胶囊。 是烧向天堂的信, 是投名状和罪己诏。 是在两千亿人墓前的悼语, 是对每个新生命的祝福。 是我对理性之神的祷辞, 是远渡时空的救赎。 如果我们终将逝去,我们所做的一切还有什么意义? 我在风里站着,身上裹的还是几年前那件旧大衣,褪色发白磨出线头的衣服已经...
scpcb.music.ambient.room2tunnel scpcb.music.ambient.room3storage scpcb.music.room.room035 scpcb.music.room.room049 scpcb.music.room.room079 scpcb.music.room.room106 scpcb.music.room.room205 scpcb.music.room.room409 scpcb.music.room.room457 ...
When does it occur (like in which room, which action had been done, etc...) Error Message: If an error message appeared (besides "Memory Access Violation") Screenshot (only if possible, and not really needed if it's a MAV) But before posting a bug, make sure that this bug doesn'...
SCP-970 - A spatial phenomenon where a room located in Site-19 loops around itself causing a series of rooms with gradually alters from the original room. SCP-5049 - A pocket dimension known as Demon Dan's Discount Homunculus Depot that is accessible when a television plays a infomercial abo...
SCP-032 itself is still present in the room, engaged in the same activity. Subject: SCP-035 Photographed Activity: At rest in its containment chamber. Photo Result: SCP-035 is being worn by an unidentified individual sitting on a throne. On the floor there are 3 dead masked individuals. ...