Subjects within 1.5 to 2 meters (5-6 feet) of SCP-035, or in visual contact with it, experience a strong urge to put it on. When SCP-035 is placed on the face of an individual, an alternate brain wave pattern from SCP-035 overlaps that of the original host, effectively snuffing it...
1. 下载并安装mod。 2. 在游戏中找到SCP-035的生成位置,可以在配置文件中进行设置。 3. 找到SCP-035物品并将其放入物品栏。 4. 右键点击SCP-035物品,将其装备到头部槽位。 5. 玩家将开始控制SCP-035角色,原始角色的外观和技能都会被替换。 6. 在佩戴SCP-035面具时,屏幕会有红色色调。 7. 若要解除佩戴S...
The Possessive Maskadds a terrifying new monster. Its history comes from theSCP universe, where it is referred to asSCP-035, also known asThe Possessive Mask. This cursed mask can naturally be found lying on the ground or worn by aggressiveSCP-035 carriers. If you defeat one of these carr...
SCP-035 - Possessive Mask SCP-036 - The Reincarnation Pilgrimage of the Yazidi (Kiras Guhorîn) SCP-037 - Dwarf Star SCP-038 - The Everything Tree SCP-039 - Monkey Brain SCP-040 - Evolution's Child SCP-041 - Thought-Broadcasting Patient SCP-042 - A Formerly Winged Horse SCP-043 -...
SCP-035 - Possessive Mask SCP-036 - The Reincarnation Pilgrimage of the Yazidi (Kiras Guhorîn) SCP-037 - Dwarf Star SCP-038 - The Everything Tree SCP-039 - Monkey Brain SCP-040 - Evolution's Child SCP-041 - Thought-Broadcasting Patient SCP-042 - A Formerly Winged Horse SCP-043 -...
Description:SCP-035 appears to be a white porcelain comedy mask, although, at times, it will change to tragedy. In these events, all existing visual records, such as photographs, video footage, even illustrations, of SCP-035 automatically change to reflect its new appearance. ...
Description:SCP-035 appears to be a white porcelain comedy mask, although, at times, it will change to tragedy. In these events, all existing visual records, such as photographs, video footage, even illustrations, of SCP-035 automatically change to reflect its new appearance. ...
gasmask/supergasmask 防毒面具/超级防毒面具radio 对讲机bat/18vbat/killbat 9V电池/18V电池/奇怪的电池weed 420-Jpumpkin 彩蛋oldcoin 硬币oldkey 旧钥匙firstaid/finefirstaid/firstaid2 医疗箱/小型医疗箱/蓝色医疗箱vest/finevest/veryfinevest 防弹衣/重型防弹衣/笨重的防弹衣hazmatsuit 防护服ticket 电影票...