SCP-035 - A mask styled after the comedy/tragedy theater masks, which secretes a corrosive fluid. Item is sapient and is capable of controlling individuals who wear it. SCP-096 - An emaciated humanoid that will seek out and kill any individual who has seen its face in any non-artistic de...
SCP-035 - Possessive Mask Oh Lord Discussion That's Not Love, Isabel Everyone Wears a Mask Lord Blackwood and the Porcelain Masked Devil Midnight Parade Addressing the Second (The Engine of A Film)/(The Fine Game of Nil) Wasteland Life's Cold A Suicide Note Habil and Qabil SCP-036 -...
SCP-035 — Possessive Mask: A sentient mask with the ability to possess anyone that wears it and rots them into nothingness. SCP-076-2: A humanoid of Sumerian descent that can summon a variety of weapons and if killed, revives in SCP-076-1. ...
SCP-035 This mask attracts you in a manner which you cannot control, leading you to put it on. Henceforth, putting on the mask makes you lose all control of your body and mental functions. The mask then takes over you, and your face begins to corrode into black liquid. You will mainta...
It is speculated that ifSCP-999would come into contact with 096, 096 would still be crying, since it is not actually sad, but it just appears to be so. In an attempt to kill SCP-682, it was proposed to put a photo of SCP-096 on SCP-173. This was immediately denied by theO5 Co...
为啥我家电脑玩收容失效重制版卡的一批 玩lol中等特效一般稳定在70fps 可以玩中等特效的守望先锋 黎明杀机和warframe也可以玩 嗯电脑分辨率是1920*1080 分享21 scp收容失效吧 琥珀摩利 求scp收容失效(重制版)的汉化补丁大佬们,求scp收容失效(重制版)的汉化补丁 分享61 scp收容失效吧 KINGKONGB1 SCP 035 的问题,...
(游戏结局,截至1.3.1版本): 第二期(各SCP的简介及应对方法,截 分享322 纸上游戏吧 下界焰火 【纸上游戏】SCP收容失效 分享3314 scp收容失效吧 happyherobrine 收容失效剧情是啥,怪物能力求大神解析1L喂度娘 分享1714 柯南吧 破解暗号的小羊 【原创】世界(名侦探柯南之...
Photo Result: SCP-035 is being worn by an unidentified individual sitting on a throne. On the floor there are 3 dead masked individuals. The location of the picture appears to be [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject: Four instances of SCP-039 Photographed Activity: Grooming each other.2 Photo Result: ...
(超精) spawnitem hand手 heal满血 spawnitem clipboard剪贴板 spawnitem bat v9电池 spawnitem supergasmask防毒面具(超精) spawnitem finefirstaid小型医疗箱 spawnitem supernv夜视 分享3933 scp_foundation吧 十字军的战士 【游戏】SCP收容失效:最新slenderman版本mod下载终于两个万众期待的都市传说合体了===SCP... 分享回复3 scp收容失效吧 lhz20031103 SCP Nine-Tailed Fox Mod单人Keter6波,成功收容SCP-035!!! 分享33 scp收容失效吧 黑骑伶俐15 SCP基金会 官方档案scp基金会介绍 人类到如今已经繁衍了近百万年,只有最近的4000年是有意义的。 所以,我们在将近25000年中在干嘛?