SCP-001 appears to be standing with its head bowed in a gesture of supplication with SCP-001-2 held in both hands point-down in front of it. Since originally recorded by the Founder over [DATA REDACTED] years ago, SCP-001 has not deviated from this stance. Human beings exposed to SCP-...
SCP-001 appears to be standing with its head bowed in a gesture of supplication with SCP-001-2 held in both hands point-down in front of it. Since originally recorded by the Founder over [DATA REDACTED] years ago, SCP-001 has not deviated from this stance. ...
History:SCP-001-J was first discovered by President ██████████ of ███████████████ in ██/██/████, in an elevator car. At that time, SCP-001-J looked exactly as it does now, except for the addition of a sticky-note that said: "If you push t...
The exact nature of the SCP Foundation's founding is unknown, but over the years there have been many myths, involving everything from the Angel who guarded the Garden of Eden to asupernatural post-Civil War Factory. The true origin will likely remain hidden forever, but it was known that ...
The President managed to fight his compulsion to press SCP-001-J long enough to remove SCP-001-J from the elevator and lock it in the closet of his office. Afterward, he contacted ██████████████████████████████, known to us as "The Founder," and ...
SCP-001 » Ihp/Locke Proposal » Project Isorropía rating: +195+–x Vol 1 Vol 2 Due to the efficacy of SCP-001 containment cycles, it has been determined by the High Council that a secondary site may be authorized for the perpetual arrest of anomalies. Project Isorropía is intended ...
A strange mix of surreal and fantastical, white space explores what it means to live and die a person, and the dissonance inbetween. Project Thaumiel Security Will Assist You Shortly. What happens when SCP-001 takes a turn for the worse? The Foundation brace themselves. ...
SCP-001 SCP-458 SCP-173 External links Dr. Avenlee's Artchives The Wanderers' Gallery Dr. Avenlee's Archives Princess Cassandra: Visual Archives Contest Entry Memetic Kill Agent Archive Avenlee's Artwoetry SCP Animation Archives Error66-@rt-E-Miss ...
“Sophia will take it away,” the Founder said, his voice soft. “She can keep it hidden out of time, with no opportunity for it to be disturbed in any way. He looked down at his watch, and then back up at the table. “For our purposes, you would all do well to keep your dis...
"The Time has come," Yahweh intoned. In another eye-blink, He was at the Gate. The being that the Foundation called SCP-001-Gamma bowed in front of Him, lowering its burning sword, its four flaming wings spread in reverence. "Uriel," Yahweh said. "It is Time. Open the Gate. Lead...