SCP-022 - The Morgue SCP-023 - Black Shuck SCP-024 - Game Show of Death SCP-025 - A Well-Worn Wardrobe SCP-026 - Afterschool Retention SCP-027 - The Vermin God SCP-028 - Knowledge SCP-029 - Daughter of Shadows SCP-030 - The Homunculus SCP-031 - What is Love? SCP-032 - Brothe...
And even if everything's broken, the whole "selective entropy" thing means nothing inorganic is going to get too old to fix. I think a good starting point would be making up a god for the kid to be afraid of. Not exactly ethical, but who's judging? I'll call this god something ...
SCP-022 - The Morgue SCP-023 - Black Shuck SCP-024 - Game Show of Death SCP-025 - A Well-Worn Wardrobe SCP-026 - Afterschool Retention SCP-027 - The Vermin God SCP-028 - Knowledge SCP-029 - Daughter of Shadows SCP-030 - The Homunculus SCP-031 - What is Love? SCP-032 - Brothe...
SCP-1765 is the collective designation for a group of three semi-corporeal entities, typically manifesting as vaguely humanoid, off-white silhouettes. Instances of SCP-1765 display a capacity to willfully weaken the structure of reality in their immediate presence, allowing them a limited but potent...
In addition to the many SCPs wanting him dead, he has several other enemies, such as "Interest Groups", organizations that also have access to anomalies. They include the Chaos Insurgency, the Church of the Broken God and the Hand of the Serpent, and many others whose names are as old ...
But another entity, SCP-343, has taken an interest in The Plague Doctor. 343, or "God" as he is sometimes referred to as, takes SCP-049 on a journey through the past to see the beginning of the pestilence that has become the doctor's obsession. 4.8/10 (7)Rate S1.E12 ∙ The ...
Who among us is not haunted by "Further testing authorized; results now awaiting declassification" (SCP-025 running entirely out of steam), "The sheet of paper was filed away in [DATA EXPUNGED]" (SCP-068, and I sure hope that sheet of paper wasn't important), or god help us "Testing...
God damn it. - Researcher Rylan Subject: SCP-3042, SCP-3042-1 (photographed in tandem by anomalous necessity) Photographed Activity: SCP-3042 being held by, and licking the chin of SCP-3042-1 Photo Result: Both subjects are unconscious and in close proximity to a conspicuously expensive bed...
SCP-2835-1 addresses the viewer directly, sobbing and visibly intoxicated, and yelling "Naismith, you goddamn snitching swiss-cheese-eating whore!" and variations thereof. A poorly drawn SCP-3922-A instance in the background approaches, saying "Let's go, Paddy. We're only trying to help....