SCP-116 - The Brittle Boy SCP-117 - Complete Multitool SCP-118 - Nuclear Protists SCP-119 - Timecrowave SCP-120 - Teleporting Paddling Pool SCP-121 - Concrete Cradle SCP-122 - no more monstɘrs. SCP-123 - Contained Miniature Black Hole SCP-124 - Fertile Soil SCP-125 - Contagious ...
T-MINUS 0 MINUTES: The on-site nuclear device located at the base of the borehole will fire, destroying SCP-001. In the event that the "FORTY DAYS" Protocol does not prove sufficient to destroy the anomaly, all designated Foundation Overseers, regional administrators, directors, and executives...
SCP-116 - The Brittle Boy SCP-117 - Complete Multitool SCP-118 - Nuclear Protists SCP-119 - Timecrowave SCP-120 - Teleporting Paddling Pool SCP-121 - Concrete Cradle SCP-122 - no more monstɘrs. SCP-123 - Contained Miniature Black Hole SCP-124 - Fertile Soil SCP-125 - Contagious ...
SCP-001-EX-J- Records of the CKG Gathering SCP-001-D-J- The Way It Begins SCP-0001-J- World's Best Boss SCP-002-J- Amnesiac Treatment SCP-002-IT-J- The Doctor-Destroyer SCP-0002-J- Toilet Humor scp-3-j- Bring Your Kid to Work Day!
While 682 was successfully launched into the event horizon of a black hole, it eventually reappeared outside the launch center, albeit exhausted and compressed to a much smaller size. Subject was easily subdued and returned to containment while in this state; it recovered soon afterward, and was...
After SCP-001 activated and transformed most of humanity into melted flesh monsters, 096 was left all alone in the abandoned site that contained it. As it rested inside its chamber, a woman and her daughter arrived at the site to find help. However, upon entering the site the woman looked...
But it all got much worse when the young man fell into a mysterious black hole filled with slime and dirt. This mysterious hole sent Corporal Lawrence into spiral, forever changing him into menacing SCP-106, now referred to as "The Old Man". Rate S1.E5 ∙ Old AI: A Clean, Fast ...
I have gazed upon the Faceless Ones, servitors of His Undulating Vastness. Their chief is blind - castrated by our words and will. He sings songs of anarchy but they will not come again. These terrible spirits do not deserve our love; render unto them no
【光光推广】之SCP..△已知ACP列表:1-99SCP-001-Awaiting De-classification SCP-002-The "Living" Room 起居室SCP-003-Biological Moth
SCP-123 - Contained Miniature Black HoleSCP-124 - 肥沃土壤SCP-125 - Contagious ReflectionSCP-126 - 看不见的朋友SCP-127 - 活体枪SCP-128 - Kinetic Energy EntitySCP-129 - 扩张型真菌感染SCP-130 - Post OfficeSCP-131 - "眼豆"SCP-132 - Broken DesertSCP-133 - 便携式洞穴SCP-134 - 星眼...