SCP: Daybr..SCP: Daybreak 是一个合作PvE游戏,SCP001出了点问题,现在太阳会把所有照到的人融化并变成怪物,SCP基金会誓死保卫地球,你可以扮演各种基金会士兵取回重要材料。什么? 我不是要写Re
He Was Blind and Deaf on a Sunny Day Winding Down Transcript Found On Storage Level B 8 Brökkën Güd 1,001 Dark and Stormy Nights The Arcana Institute Of Xerophylla SCP-883 - Extradimensional Beehive Animalia SCP-884 - A Shaving Mirror Children of Doubt White Knight SC-49/785-...
They probably need to be reworked along with possibly suppressing fish/squid spawns during the daybreak event just so any body of water doesn't end up becoming a max level sludge factory. EDIT: Instead of directly killing you the sludges should drag you out into the sun giving you at ...
文学, 是给未知的漂流瓶, 是不朽的时间胶囊。 是烧向天堂的信, 是投名状和罪己诏。 是在两千亿人墓前的悼语, 是对每个新生命的祝福。 是我对理性之神的祷辞, 是远渡时空的救赎。 如果我们终将逝去,我们所做的一切还有什么意义? 我在风里站着,身上裹的还是几年前那件旧大衣,褪色发白磨出线头的衣服已经...