Within Scouts BSA, there are various positions of responsibility that Scouts can take on to further their leadership development. These positions are available within the troop, Venturing crew, and Sea Scout ship. It is important to note that while there are many positions to choose from, theass...
Some troops spend most troop meetings doing merit badge work - this is not the BSA model for merit badges. Some troops run around in chaos at meetings. The agenda for each meeting should be prepared and run by the Senior Patrol Leader. Meetings should have an opening, time for scout ...
For more details on these and other roles and how they contribute to the troop’s leadership and success, you can visit this resource:Scouts BSA Youth Leadership Positions. This link provides a deeper look into each position and its importance within the troop. The Four Steps of Scout Advancem...
The Scouts BSA program is a big change from cub scouting, the biggest change being that it isscout-ledinstead of adult-led. If you have youth crossing over from Webelos and joining a scout troop, challenge them to invite at least one non-scouting friend to join them. Since 3/4 of Scou...
The Boy Scouts of America has ended its blanket ban on gay adult leaders but will allow church-sponsored Scout units to maintain the exclusion for religious reasons.
Troop 193 is a “scout led troop”. The Patrol Leaders Council, led by the Senior Patrol Leader, plan and conduct the troop meetings and activities. The troop provides many opportunities for formal leadership development by having scouts serve in troop leadership positions. If the scouts can thi...
Adult Leadership Training Wood Badge is an advanced, national leadership course open only to Scouting volunteers and professionals. Scouters from Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Varsity Scouting, Venturing, Sea Scouts, and Explorers, and district and council Scouters all are welcome and belong here. ...
Gates, scheduled to take over in the spring as the BSA's next president. As leader of the Pentagon, Gates helped change the military's ``Don't Ask, Don't Tell'' policy banning openly gay soldiers, and gay-rights groups hope he will try to end the BSA's ban on gay adult leaders....
There were 15 scouts and 6 adult leaders who were present. It was a cold windy day but every scout braved the weather and put in their best effort. We made 2 teams, each building 1 storage bin to optimize time. Everything went smoothly and fine. we had a small challenge with the slo...
Wolf Den Leader is a registered volunteer BSA position whose responsibilities are: Work directly with other den and pack leaders to ensure that their den is an active and successful part of the pack. Plan, prepare for, and conduct den meetings with the assistant den leader and den chief. ...