And one final time the scout must go before a group of adults who focus on character, leadership and spirit.Does the scout reach the peak? Can the scout leap from the top peak and fly like an Eagle? ___, are you an Eagle? [The Challenge Ceremony]MC: Sir, I have the honor to pr...
Like many grade school-aged children, I found the world of adults both baffling and boring. Unless a home contained children of my or my siblings’ ages, I didn’t pay much attention as to who lived in what house on my block. It took a couple of years for it to sink in: you don...
Whenever you leave home, tell parents, relatives, or other responsible adults where you are going, who you will be with, and when you expect to be home. Do not use alcohol or other drugs. Stick with friends who are not violent and who do not use alcohol or drugs. Avoid known 'trouble...
a Countess, various people with second homes, a woman who lived near me in the Midwest but was dismissive for reasons that had to do with either her recent MFA or the fact that she’d been born in Ireland—I knew instinctively that she was not going to warm to me. ...
It forced me to consider how much baggage modern Americans carry with them now. Because of its close proximity to the hospitals here on “Pill Hill,” I always imagined that those earliest residents were probably nurses or interns who wanted to live near work. Some from the country who must...
Two events from that time are much in the center of Jewish faith today. The first was the final plague on the people of Egypt, which persuaded Pharaoh to release the Israelites - the spirit of death killed the first-born of every Egyptian family. But it passed over the homes of the ...
The choice of Speakers is up to you, or we will help with suggestions. The main purpose is for various adults, in different aspects of the Scout's life, to briefly tell of the effort and accomplishment of the Scout in the area of experience they know him. It is not necessary to have...
Now that we’re all responsible adults (give or take ~50%), it is nice to know that we can recapture this feeling in a small way, with the HSR Staff Alumni Weekend fast approaching. Whether it’s an annual tradition for you or you haven’t been back to the shores of Kennabi since...
I nabbed a spot on a three-hour, daytime tour in mid-September—a bucket-list experience for me. Tourists were split into two groups, about a dozen people each. The fans were mostly middle-aged Generation Xers, but there were some younger adults, along with...
Please sit near your child to help him/her stay quiet & attentive if needed Adults, please don’t be on phones during the meeting Adults, if you have adult-related questions, please email me or come up to me after the meeting’s over ...