Only named defendants’ profits can be awarded in trademark suit, justices rule ByRonald Mannon Feb. 27at 3:29 p.m. Wednesday’s decision inDewberry Group v. Dewberry Engineersreversed a lower-court decision for ignoring well-settled state understandings of corporate identity. When Dewberry Engin...
Comprehensive list of U.S. Supreme Court Petitions including issues, docket, opinions, proceedings, orders, and more.
However, Elon Musk, who was invited by Trump to join in on a phone call with Ukraine’s President Zelensky this week, has suggested the above peace plan is likely top of the list of what’s being considered. “The senseless killing will end soon. Time is up for the warmonger profiteers...
We’re tuning in live as the justices consider what could be one of the most consequential First Amendment rulings of the past several decades.
This Biofile list features the Chief Justices of the United States Supreme Court, which is the highest, most powerful court in the nation. The Chief Justice is the head of the Court, and can greatly influence the legal opinions written by the court in how they interpret the Constitution. ...
This scenario isn’t just plausible: it’s probable. GOP-controlled states are already changing their state laws to allow for it, regardless of how their people vote
“One the things I’m proudest of is serving on the confirmation teams for Justices Sotomayor and Kagan. Grateful to be able to join immensely talented colleagues to suit up again (literally), advise on comms and ensure that @POTUS’ nominee is considered and confirmed expeditiously,” LaBolts...
Today Fix the Court is unveiling a list of 31 legal scholars who have endorsed H.R. 8424, the Supreme Court Term Limits and Regular Appointments Act. In their letter of support, they write: “We are pleased that a formal legislative proposal to limit future justices to 18 years of high ...
It also granted presidents in general a definitive “absolute immunity” from prosecution for core official acts and said presidents should be presumed immune for a much more expansive list of acts. In the view of the majority comprised of the six conservative justices on the court, the decisio...
Senate Democrats said they will press President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee to commit to recuse herself if the justices hear a case that could impact the outcome of the fall elections, a request that could become a major flashpoint amid Trump’s persistent attacks on the sanctity of the ele...