{0:0.00000000}", coordinateY); this.Crosshair.X = coordinateX; this.Crosshair.Y = coordinateY; } //this.XPixelLabel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(e.X, e.Y); //如果设置十字光标线为不显示数值就不显示了 if (!CrosshaircheckBox.Checked) { this.XPixelLabel.Text = ""; this.YPixel...
private void CrosshaircheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CrosshaircheckBox.Checked) { this.Crosshair.VerticalLine.IsVisible = true; this.Crosshair.HorizontalLine.IsVisible = true; } else{ this.Crosshair.VerticalLine.IsVisible = false; this.Crosshair.HorizontalLine.IsVisible = f...
Crosshair: HLine and VLine are no longer readonly (#2208) @arthurits Function Plot: Added support for filling above and below lines (#2239, #2238) @SGanard Signal Plot: Improved error messages for when Update() fails to replace data (#2263) Plot: Clear() now resets inner and outer ...
@page"/"@usingScottPlot@usingScottPlot.BlazorScottPlot5inBlazor<BlazorPlot@ref=BlazorPlot Style="width: 400px; height: 300px;"/>@code{BlazorPlotBlazorPlot{get;set;}=new();protectedScottPlot.Plottables.CrosshairCrosshair=new();protected overridevoidOnAfterRender(boolfirstRender){BlazorPlot.Plot.Add.S...
crosshair = wpfPlot.Plot.Add.Crosshair(0, 0); crosshair.IsVisible = false; crosshair.MarkerShape = MarkerShape.FilledCircle; crosshair.MarkerSize = 15; // 添加鼠标悬停的文本提示 (Annotation) highlightAnnotation = wpfPlot.Plot.Add.Annotation(""); ...
Crosshair: New plot type that draws a cross centered at a given position in X/Y space Avalonia: Support Avalonia version 11.0.1 (#2822) @oktrue Controls: Now have GetCoordinates() with built-in logic for display scaling compensation (#2760) Rendering: Improve multi-platform color support ...
ScottPlot 使用AddSignalXY()添加曲线时如何设置十字线在上面的示例代码中,我们首先定义了两条曲线,并...
= function(e,r){ Crosshair.VerticalLine.IsVisible = false; Crosshair.HorizontalLine.IsVisible = false; Chart.Refresh(false,false);}Chart.MouseMove = function(){ var mouseCoordinates = Chart.GetMouseCoordinates(0,0); Crosshair.X = mouseCoordinates.Item1; Crosshair.Y = mouseCo...
Crosshair: New plot type that draws a cross centered at a given position in X/Y space Avalonia: Support Avalonia version 11.0.1 (#2822) @oktrue Controls: Now have GetCoordinates() with built-in logic for display scaling compensation (#2760) Rendering: Improve multi-platform color support ...
ScottPlot 使用AddSignalXY()添加曲线时如何设置十字线在上面的示例代码中,我们首先定义了两条曲线,并...