Moreover, since the union of 1707, there has been no elected or representative forum within Scotland to debate these matters. As the government and the press in London both tended to ignore Scottish matters almost completely, the Scottish newspapers were the only available medium through which ...
Of course, you don't have to be Scottish either - anyone can enjoy online Scottish newspapers. They're a great way to get a taste of what's important to the people of Scotland, and to learn about what's happening in that part of the world. The national Scottish daily newspapers genera...
SCOTTISHNEWSPAPERSANDSCOTTISHNATIONALIDENTITYINTHENINETEENTHANDTWENTIETHCENTURIESI. G.C.HutchisonUniversityofStirling,Stirling,UKAbstractScotlandisdistinctivewithintheUnitedKingdomnewspaperindustrybothbecausemorepeoplereadpapersandalsobecauseScotsoverwhelminglyprefertoreadhome-producedorgans.TheLondon<national>presstitleshavene...
Scottish Newspaper Front Pages Evening Times Online Scotland on Sunday The Herald The Herald Business The Scotsman The Sunday Herald
the London leadership was determined to impose strict control on the organisation and would brook no attempts to negotiate WSPU policies to suit local conditions or home-grown leaders. Local by-elections were useful occasions to increase coverage of suffragette demands, but Scottish newspapers were als...
Much of his career was spent in China and Japan where he published several newspapers including The Far East, a fortnightly newsmagazine illustrated with original photographs. James Murdoch Dec. at 65 (1856-1921) James Murdoch (27 September 1856 – 30 October 1921) was a Scottish scho...
Leith Hall and Drumrossie House were two of the eleven Red Cross auxiliary hospitals in Aberdeenshire, and of the 44 in the North East of Scotland. (For a list of the hospitals see the post on First World War Auxiliary Hospitals.) The local newspapers regularly published notes of thanks fo...
“Scottish newspapers remained at the heart of the action and reaffirmed the industry’s ability to make vital contributions to the decisions affecting the lives of all Scots. “Judging the awards is never easy and this year was more difficult than most, but it’s always...
Colin Shields says in his excellent history of Scottish cross-country ‘whatever the Weather’ : “ Dallas was also a very successful competitor on both the track and country as well as being and able administrator and reporter of the sport in most of Scotland’s newspapers. It was general ...
Can you imagine the editorial meetings of the proposed consortium, given the way their newspapers go at each other on a regular basis? Unless those kinds of questions can be answered to the satisfaction of decision-makers and audiences alike, an integrated Scottish news hour on channel 3, produ...