Number 1 award Elton John nets ninth Number 1 album with Diamonds Leave a comment Join the conversation by joining the Official Charts community and dropping comment. Already registered? Log in No account? Register New Top 40 in… 03
That this House endorses the principles of the Claim of Right for Scotland, agreed by the Scottish Constitutional Convention in 1989 and by the Scottish Parliament in 2012,and therefore acknowledges the sovereign right of the Scottish people to determine the form of government best suited to their...
If you leave the Scottish Fold home, you will either need to find and pay a cat sitter or house it at a kennel. All of these options can be expensive and often require plenty of notice. Owning a Scottish Fold On a Budget The best way to raise a Scottish Fold on a budget is to ...
The Scottish Government continues to seek a route to a second independence referendum, however, it is unclear whether such a referendum will ultimately occur, what the outcome might be should it occur, and if a referendum occurred and Scotland voted to leave the UK, what Scotland's future ...
government subsidised loan and that, as in other UK systems, the fee loan (a) would be repayable contingent on earnings, in the same way as maintenance borrowing is now, and (b) is added to any maintenance loan to form a single debt, so that no-one is paying off two loans in ...
A year ago, the IK government published their flagship policy “Next Steps to Put People at the Heart of Care”. It is full of noble intent that:“everyone who needs care in England will have outstanding, quality care that empowers them to lead fulfilling lives and have the greatest possib...
and gaps in farming equipment. The queen will form a tunnel a few centimetres long leading to the cell and plug it with earth, scrap wood or some other material. This enclosed chamber, known as a hibernaculum (plural hibernacula), from the Latin for ‘wintering residence’, will shelter...
“Alex’s courage and strength of character over the three-year period, from the Scottish Government launching an unlawful process against him, throughout his criminal trial in which he was cleared on all charges by a jury of his peers, to his unimpeachable evidence in the parliamentary inqui...
Other terms appear in the onlineDictionary of the Scots Language, for examplefeuchter‘a slight fall of snow’,owerblaw‘to cover over or be covered with snow’,skiff‘to rain or snow very slightly’, andyird drift‘snow blown from the surface of the ground, drifting snow’. ...
” The castle was handed over to the government of Scotland in 1912 by its then-owners, the Grant family, and extensive operations to make the ruins secure were completed in 1942. But on this day, its yellow-stone remains--backdropped against emerald grass and indigo water--spurred our ...