The article reports that Scottish Government plans to introduce minimum pricing for alcohol per unit and a ban on two-for-one promotions in a range of measures designed to tackle the country's alcohol abuse pro...
Understanding the Development of Minimum Unit Pricing of Alcohol in Scotland: A Qualitative Study of the Policy Process Minimum unit pricing of alcohol is a novel public health policy with the potential to improve population health and reduce health inequalities. Theories of... SV Katikireddi,S Hil...
Minimum unit pricing backed by courts in Scotland. it inhibited their right by law to trade freely across the EU. The Alcohol (Minimum Pricing) (Scotland) Act was passed in June 2012: 86 members of the Scottish Parliament voted in its favour, one voted against and 32 abstained... L Dillo...
The Scottish government will have to consider alternatives to its proposed minimum price on a unit of alcohol after an all party summit failed to reach agreement on proposed alcohol legislation earlier this week.The Scottish government is proposing a minimum price on a unit of alcohol as the ...
The SNP Government in Scotland introduced Minimum Price per Unit (MPU) for alcohol in the Alcohol (Minimum Pricing) (Scotland) Act 2012. A challenge to those provisions was brought by the Scotch Whisky Association and others in SWA and Others for Judicial Review of the Alcohol (Minimum ...
The article reports on the proposed introduction of minimum pricing of alcohol in Scotland. A group of international specialists opposes such proposal and claimed that more effective and international initiatives should be launched to reduce the health-related impact of alcohol, such as human ...
Scottish court gives go-ahead to minimum alcohol pricing.doi:10.1136/bmj.i5720BMJBmjAnneGulland
Minimum unit pricing must be introduced as soon as possible.'The Scottish Government's plans for a minimum price for alcohol are currently on hold pending the outcome of a legal challenge at the Court of Session. Drinks industry bodies have opposed the legislation - which would see a minimum ...
Background Minimum unit pricing (MUP) of alcohol is a novel policy intervention aimed at increasing the price of the cheapest forms of alcohol to reduce alcohol consumption and associated harms. In Scotland, alcohol-related harms have increased exponentially during the past few decades and Scotland ...
(2015). How did policy actors use mass media to influence the Scottish alcohol minimum unit pricing debate? Comparative analysis of newspapers, evidence submissions, and interviews. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 22(2), 125-134.