Nearly 700,000 patients are now registered for the minor ailment service (MAS) in Scotland, and community pharmacists are providing 70,000 consultations a month. These figures were revealed on 3 September in a letter about the current status of the community pharmacy contract.The Pharmaceutical ...
Policy makers and practitioners working in the homelessness sector collaborated to gather, review, and update the data collected about services through online searches, telephone calls, institutional visits, and event consultations. An analysis of the current service provision was made to identify ...
Scotland’s Forestry Strategy 2019–2029; The Scottish Government: Edinburgh, UK, 2019. [Google Scholar] Melnykovych, M.; Nijnik, M.; Soloviy, I.; Nijnik, A.; Sarkki, S.; Bihun, Y. Social-ecological innovation in remote mountain areas: Adaptive responses of forest-dependent communities...
Scottish Government. Non-Domestic Energy Performance Certificates—Dataset to Q2. 2021. Available online: https://statistics. (accessed on 2 November 2021). 25. Huang, Z.; Williamson, P. A Comparison of Synthetic Reconstruction and ...