Kinship care in Scotland has been receiving considerable attention recently as part of the Scottish Government's strategic plan for children. The strategy Getting it Right for Every Child focuses on the child in their community and family and what services need to be provided to help every child...
carers,professionalorganisationsand NHSboards. Ittakesitsplaceamidstaraftofpolicy andlegislativeinitiativesseekingto improvesupportforpeoplewith mentalhealthproblemsinScotland, includingtheMentalHealth(Careand Treatment)(Scotland)Act2003and theEqualitiesAct2010,Scotland’s NationalDementiaStrategy 2 and Rights,...
sampling strategy may reduce generalisability of findings, it nonetheless provides evidence critical to understanding the adequacy of current approaches to meeting dementia related needs within a prison setting. Screening for cognitive impairment The findings suggest there was no early or ongoing screening f...