“This government has made clear our priority is to close the poverty-related attainment gap and our new £120 million pupil equity funding is aimed at doing just that.” The pupil equity funding is on top of the existing £50 million Attainment Scotland funding. However, opposition politici...
Additional support needs:“Explosion” in ASN numbers sees schools struggling Today the Scottish Liberal Democrats are also highlighting that the figures show the Scottish government is “not making a dent” in closing the disadvantage-related attainment gap for those leaving school. Among those with ...
McCluskey G (2017) Closing the attainment gap in Scottish schools: Three challenges in an une- qual society. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice 12: 24-35.McCluskey, G. (2017) Closing the attainment gap in Scottish Schools: Three...
This report outlines what teachers, schools, local and national government and other education providers can do to close the education attainment gap associated with poverty in Scotland. It looks at attempts that have been made to tackle the issue and considers the evidence for which ones have pro...
Scottish Government. (2015).Summary statistics for Schools in Scotland. Google Scholar Inequality re-examined Google Scholar Geography and social justice Google Scholar Closing the attainment gap in Scottish education. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation. ...
equal country. That is the bigger story here – one we should be uncomfortable with until we face up to it. Specifically, the extent of inequality and division in Scotland - this supposed land of egalitarianism. We can see it in the education attainment gap and scale of educational inequality...
The government lowered the income at which maximum YSB was payable from £19,300 to £16,999. Many students lost £900 a year and some much more. The Scottish Government argued they could make up the difference by borrowing to fill the gap. Older students get the lower-rate ...
The number of older people in prisons is increasing across the globe. Many have poor physical and mental health, higher prevalence of head injury, cognitive impairment and dementia than found in community populations. Meeting the complex needs of this vu
Save the Children’s Read On Get On campaign(this link will open in a new window) illustrates how reading for pleasure in a child’s early years is vital to closing the attainment gap, as well as enhancing wellbeing and quality of life in the long-term. Further longitudinal studies of...
Hogging the limelight back then, it was the First Minister who bragged about closing the attainment gap between schools in deprived communities and the more affluent. This week, hiding in the shadows, through the mouth of her education minister, she shamelessly abandoned the children of the poor...