We don’t have the age 18 entry rate by region within England: the absolute numbers suggest there could be substantial variation in that, and exposing that might help isolate non-funding factors (exam results? the economy?). Of course, effects from one or more funding changes could be being...
In ten years, ChildLine Scotland has helped hundreds of thousands of children with problems ranging from normal exam worries to serious sex abuse. On average it costs the charity pounds 32 for every child helped by a counsellor. Anne said: "We have helped over 200,000 children since we ...
For example, when told to “sit,” easy-to-train dogs quickly associate the command with the action of sitting, knowing that compliance results in a positive outcome, such as receiving a treat. This ability to learn quickly makes training easier and more enjoyable for both the dog and the ...
"I download papers to work from over the internet as well as exam papers every month. 'I send the papers to my teacher who marks them, writes feedback and sends them back. "In Scotland, I am doing history, French, English, PE, maths, geography, physics, and computing and info...