加拿大作家斯科特·扬(Scott Young),畅销书《如何高效学习》和《超级学习者》的作者。 ID:SCOTTHYOUNG 订阅双语文章 关注发消息 主页动态投稿37合集和列表2课程1 关注数 1 粉丝数 1.6万 代表作 11:49 【TED演讲】The MIT Challenge | 怎样只花2000美元就享受麻省理工大学的教育 | 如何高效学习【Scott H. Young...
SCOTTHYOUNG官方频道 36150 《超级学习者》九大学习原则作者介绍 | 原则一:元学习 SCOTTHYOUNG官方频道 97991 MIT Challenge - 项目概述 | 如何在一年内自学完MIT计算机专业的全部33门课程?【Scott H.Young】【中文字幕】 SCOTTHYOUNG官方频道 2.5万41
No. I did the exams and programming projects for a curriculum that is very similar to MIT’s own (I had to swap some lab classes and humanities requirements for other classes). The number of credit hours is the same though. Check here forMIT’s actual 4-year CS curriculumas a compariso...
其本人博客: MIT Challenge 不关注是否软文之类,只探求超速学习理论本身。Scott的MIT Challenge对我影响...
6.005: Elements of Software Construction –COMPLETEDSee more… 6.801: Machine Vision –COMPLETEDSee more… 6.837: Computer Graphics –COMPLETEDSee more… COSC 545: Theory of Computation –COMPLETEDSee more… http://www.scotthyoung.com/blog/mit-challenge/...
Scott H Young Learn faster, achieve more Get Better at Anything Now available! Learn More MIT Challenge In 2012, I decided to try to learn MIT’s 4-year undergraduate computer science curriculum in 12 months, without taking any classes. I was successful in passing the final exams for 33 cl...
MIT课程的标签文章:http://www.scotthyoung.com/blog/myprojects/mit-challenge-2/ 五、如何运用费曼...
In late 2011,Scott H. Youngdecided to answer this question. Young had been obsessed with learning ever since starting his blog in 2006, and withhis MIT challenge, he hoped “to push the expectations for how long, how costly and how conventionally an education must be obtained.” ...