Fr. Robert Barron and Dr. Scott Hahn discuss the new atheism and Dr. Hahn's book Answering the New Atheism. Dr. Hahn on Catholic and Evangelical Dialogue In an interview done at Regent College's 2011 Theology Conference, Dr. Hahn speaks about the new evangelization and dialogue between Cath...
It was met with especially harsh criticism by the Catholic Church for the accusation that it is behind a two-thousand-year-old cover-up concerning what the Holy Grail is, the concept that Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene were married, and that the union produced a daughter. So, those who a...
ROMANS [CATHOLIC COMMENTARY ON SACRED SCRIPTURE] by Scott W.Hahn, Baker Academic, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2017, pp. xxxi + 299, $22.99, pbkdoi:10.1111/nbfr.12425PAUL ROWSEJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdNew Blackfriars
The Ark became crucial to the identity and character of David's new priestly kingdom. David's great concern for the Ark is central to the early drama of his reign, and the installation of the Ark in the Temple built by David's son, Solomon, marks the high point of the history told ...